Fractured Bonds

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The next day after school, your aunt and uncle had asked if you and Tweek would be able to manage the coffee shop while they ran a few errands, but they'd be back before closing time, so you'd both only be there for a few hours. Happily obliging, you and Tweek both found yourselves working at the coffee shop as the iconic cousin duo who worked together to get orders out quickly and efficiently.

"I've got that espresso shot coming up for you." You informed Tweek, as you finished tamping down the grounds into the espresso's portafilter. Slicking the portafilter into the machine, you set the correct times for the amount of espresso shots you'd be filling for this next drink.

"T-the m-macchiato WAH-! Almost done!" Tweek called out to you as he was mixing together whole milk, vanilla syrup. You both tag teamed to get that caramel macchiato finished, he mixed the base as you were rimming the cup with caramel drizzle, and filled it with ice.

While you were getting the cup ready, you handed the iced cup with caramel drizzle dripping down the sides to Tweek who had poured his milk mixture into the cup you set down. The espresso shot had just finished dripping, allowing you to carefully pour the two espresso shots over the milk base. Topping it off with a little more caramel, you slid the drink to Tweek's open hand. Tweek slapped a lid onto the top of the coffee cup, and walked out to the pick-up area of the coffee shop, calling out the name for the drink order.

You went to go and take the next order for the drink, and it looked like this customer had wanted an Americano, as well as as a Cappuccino. "Alright I've got you down for an Americano and a Cappuccino, that total will be $11.86." You smiled warmly at the customer who handed you a $20 bill.

Quickly retrieving the change from the drawer and handing the customer their receipt, you watched as they had dropped the rest of their change into the tip jar, and gave you a thumbs up. "Much appreciated, guys I'll have those drinks out momentarily!" You let them know as they both walked over and headed to their booth.

"We've got sit-ins." You explained to Tweek, grabbing the different coffee mugs for the Americano and the other for the Cappuccino. The coffee shop had their own style of mugs for the different kinds of drinks that would go in them for the customers who had chosen to stay in the store do drink their coffees. "Americano and Cappuccino, I can get those shots for you." You told Tweek.

Tweek began to pour and measure out the milk to steam, as well as the foamed milk for that Cappuccino. Thankfully, the Americano didn't need as many steps as the Cappuccino but with your guys' experience, these two would be a breeze to knock out. Quickly emptying out the grounds from the portafilter, you then wiped it down with a clean rag and began to fill and tamp it with espresso grounds again. Pulling out a second portafilter, and doing the same thing since there were 4 slots on the espresso machine itself, allowing you guys to brew several espresso shots at a time.

The bells that hung from the door rang as someone else had walked through the coffee shop now. Without looking up at the door, both you and your cousin shouted "Welcome in!"

"A-Americano ready for WHAH-! For espresso shot." Tweek set the Americano cup beside you, and went back to foaming the milk. The steamed milk hadn't taken him long at all to do, and neither would frothing the milk either. He placed the wand into the milk and began to gently move it in an up and down motion to double the milk's size.

"Americano..." You muttered to yourself, pouring the first espresso shot into the Americano's cup that Tweek had gotten ready for you. "I'm going to set up that next shot for your Cappuccino and then take the counter." You informed him, seeing him nod as he understood. You took out the next espresso shot and poured it into the Cappuccino's cup, before sending it your cousin's way allowing him to finish it off.

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