29- Unnoticed Hints

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I sat on the edge of my bed patiently waiting for a knock or a text from Jake. The house was empty and I was home alone. I got tired of sitting and laid flat on my bed with my legs dangling off the edge. I stared at the ceiling and had many thoughts in my head to pass the time.


"OH MY GOD– JAKE?!" I quickly sat up with panic written all over my face. "You scared the shit out of me, oh my god. Why didn't you knock or something!" I screeched out with my eyes wide, hand over my chest. Jake let out a giggle, "Sorry! I thought you knew that I knew your passcode so..."

"I thought I was about to die, geez," I sighed and flopped back on my bed. "Who's Jay meeting with? Do you know?" I asked him. "Yeah. This girl named Kim Sena who's in the business course with him."

I sat up and crisscrossed my legs. I patted the space on my bed beside me for Jake. "Is he going to date her for real? He's interested in her?" Jake sat himself beside me and hummed. "Hm, well, he's been talking about her. He might be serious this time."

"He better be. Perhaps he will throw less parties." "Maybe, but that would mean he's going to invite his girlfriend over, and you know–" "OKAY, ENOUGH. I DON'T WANNA THINK ABOUT THAT," I cut Jake off and rubbed my arms to get rid of the goosebumps.

Jake cracked out a short laugh, "Just saying... prepare yourself." I whined at his remark and fell back on my back, grabbing my pillow and stuffing my face in it.

"What about you, Jake?" I asked him, sitting back up. "Hm?" He asked me in confusion. "Do you like someone? Hoon seems like he's interested in that girl he kissed at the pool party and Jay's on a date." His eyes wandered off somewhere in my room. "Uh... kind of, I guess."

My eyes widened. "Oh my god. Who?!" I asked with a wide grin. "It's nothing–" "Jaeyunie has a crush?? On whoooom?" Jake nervously chuckled and rubbed the nape of his neck. "Is she pretty?" I questioned him with full curiosity.

I looked at him, waiting for an answer as he finally faced me. "Yeah, she's pretty," his lips softly curved into a small smile. "Aye, you like her alright. You smiled just now," I teased him. He let out a short snicker and looked down in his lap. "I guess. She doesn't like me though."

My jaw dropped. "What?! What do you mean she doesn't like you?! You're Shim Jaeyun, who wouldn't like you!" "She probably doesn't," he answered me. I clicked my tongue, "That's a shocker. Who wouldn't have a crush on YOU? I mean, every girl who has laid eyes on you has to have at least once in their life."

Jake looked at me with a raised eyebrow, "So you're saying you're one of them?" His comment startled me. "I– uh... No!" I awkwardly laughed it off but it doesn't seem like he was buying it. "Okay fine. I liked you like— 2 years ago. I mean, it's normal, okay?! Don't tease me! I've liked Hoon in the past too!" I quickly say, defending myself.

Jake softly chuckled then smirked. "Hmm, you liked me?" he asked and ran his fingers through his hair. "YAH! I did in the past okay! Stop teasing me!" I whined, softly pinching his leg.

"My point is, It's kind of ridiculous that the girl you like doesn't like you. Did she say so?" "Nah, but she likes someone else." My lips fell into a small frown, "Really? I'm sorry Jake... I'm sure there are other pretty girls out there for you," I say, trying to comfort him.

"But this girl is different. I guess I was a little late."

I reached my arm out to pat his back. "The right girl will come at the right time." Jake gave me a soft smile. I knew he had to force that though.

————— —————

I giggled and followed Heeseung into his room. "Someone seems excited." "I am!" I grinned, sitting on his bed. "And why is my girl so excited?" Heeseung asked me with a teasing smile. I suddenly felt shy from his sudden pet name. Heeseung jumped on the bed next to me and tackled me with a bunch of kisses.

"I'm just excited to spend time with you, that's all," I quietly said as I played with the collar of his shirt. He gave me a peck on the nose and smiled warmly at me. "I am too, love." I felt my cheeks heat up again. "H-Hey!" I pushed him off me out of embarrassment.

He giggled at my reaction and got back on me. "You're so cute when you're shy." My eyes flickered back on his. "R-Really?" "Yes," he confirms and places a long kiss on my cheek.

"You sure none of the boys are gonna crash your place anytime soon?" I asked with caution. "They won't, I'm sure of it," he assures me and strokes the side of my head. "How are you sure though?" "I told them the AC is broken and we can hang out another day."

"I feel bad for making you lie to your friends all the time," I sigh. "I'm okay with it because I know how Jay would be if he knew we're dating behind his back." "That's the thing... we're doing it behind his back," I say with a small frown.

"I know I made a deal with Jay but, I'm serious about you, about us," He tells me as he moves the baby hairs out of my face. "So, I'm okay with coming clean to him, but that's only when you're ready," he continues.

I chewed on my bottom lip, thinking. "I'm scared, Hee. The fact that you two already talked about this makes things worse." "I know, but he can't do anything about it because you're an adult now." I considered Heeseung's words. I mean, I am 20 already, why can't I date who I want?

"I don't want to talk about Jay anymore." I scooted in closer to Heeseung and buried my head in his chest. "Can we cuddle?" I asked, looking up at him. He wrapped his arms around me and rested his chin on my head. "You smell good." "What's with the sudden compliment?" I giggled.

"Nothing, you deserve many more compliments," he replies, breathing in my scent. I stuffed my face in his chest to suppress my huge smile.


"Yes, darling?"

"Why do you like me? There are way prettier girls and plus, you have to lie to your friends, especially Jay now that you're with me..." Heeseung hummed, "Because you're different." I pulled myself out from his chest a bit and raised my eyebrow. "Different how?"

"There's just something about you that makes me want to get to know you more. I always find myself thinking about you even when I had other girls around me," Heeseung confesses.

I softly chuckled, "That was a sudden confession, Lee." "It's the truth!" I giggled and pressed a kiss on his lips. He kisses me and cups my cheek to pull me in a deeper kiss. I couldn't help but smile against his lips and kiss him back. He pulled away and looked at me with loving eyes.

"I love you, Park Y/n."

————— —————

A/N: I was supposed to post this 30 minutes ago LOL. But here's chapter 29! This isn't as long as my usual uploads but I'll be posting more frequently this week since I'm on break. Also, I made a new cover for the book since the old one seemed a little plain.

TO MOAS: The TXT comeback was so good UGH. I'm currently listening to Miracle right now and it is so good I'm gonna cry omg.

Happy reading and thank you for staying tuned! Don't forget to vote and comment! Love you all <3

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