To pass the time

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To say Florence didn't sleep well would be an understatement. There was the fact that she was scared out of her mind from the loneliness, unknown place and lack of any memory had one part to do with it.

The other fact was that throughout the night she would be awoken by the same sound she had heard earlier. The sound of the concrete walls moving but when she checked no entrances had opened.

The other walls further out must have been shifting around but why? There must have been other things happening further out from where she was as along with the groaning of the concrete walls there was also numerous shrieks that rang out. It sounded like some sort of animal but what kind she had no clue.

When she did finally drift on she had dreams she couldn't make sense of. One minute she was dreaming that she had a friend in this strange place. Or that she wasn't even in this place that she had a family and a life.

But then all of it would disappear from her fingertips and she'd hear voices around her but no known origin. She heard a boys voice repeating her name saying he was there but who he was she had no clue.

Despite her lack of sleep Florence was still awoken what she assumed to be as early in the morning. That wasn't Florence's choice though it was the whoever put her there opening the concrete doors up again.

She felt horrible with the sweat that her body had accumulated yesterday still stuck to her skin. She had been sent up with a small collection of clothes to change into so she pulled out a pair of camouflage green shorts, a white tank top and new underwear.

Hoping to find somewhere more private to change even though she was alone Florence pulled her boots on and started to make her way to the thicker stretch's of trees.

She walked through the trees for a while noticing some had apples banging off their branches. There were mushrooms growing from the ground and this section of the field was covered in different flowers.

As she walked with each step she repeated her name aloud. Florence, Florence, Florence. She was scared that if she didn't keep reminding herself of it she might forget again and not get it back.

She had checked last night after getting her name but out of all the things they sent her any type of writing material or items was missing.

She looked up from the ground as she was walking and noticed what looked like a small wooden shack off in the distance. Florence's eyes widened with a new sense of hope as she picked up her feet and began to run towards it .

"Hello! Hello!" She called out as she picked up her pace jumping over lags and stones as she ran. Her legs kept pumping her on the hope of seeing another human keeping her going. Her hair whipped in the whims behind her, her curls going crazy in her hurried state. She just had to hope a branch didn't catch on it or she'd be pulled back swiftly.

Once Florence finally reached the small building she made her way around it slowly. If there was someone there she didn't want to spook them. She found the door and knocked loudly to ensure the person heard.

"Hey I'm Florence" she told them trying to be polite "There's no else here and to be honest I'm kinda confused. Do you mind if I come in?"

She still got no reply so very slowly pushed the door open listing to it creak. What she was met with both surprised her and down heartened her.

After opening the wooden door she was met with three stalls with shower heads peeking out over the top of them. There was a small bench in front of them and in front of that a collection of three sinks with a mirror above each one. One sink had a toothbrush and small tube of toothpaste that she assumed was for her.

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