Dis be a chapter ✨1✨

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A/N: For a warning I will go ahead and mention that there will be no sex or overly sexual themes since I have no experience in that stuff. Also I'm a dumb American who has literally never watched the show past the first episode so I will be bad with the names I made and how the school system works.

"Why can't I see him?! You said that he was better!" The desperate Anji said, his long red hair with blue tips all mangy and poorly brushed.

The doctor in front of him nodded. "He is better, but he isn't out of his mental emptiness," the doctor said with a sigh.

Anji cried desperately at the door outside of his little brother's hospital room. Young five year old Enji Todoroki sat in the room, the innocence and kindness of his age nonexistent. Enji was recently in a car crash, killing his older sister who was driving, and leaving him scarred across his chest and in his mind for he saw that she wasn't killed by the crash itself - it was instead by a hero who stabbed her with glass then saved Enji. What arguably made this whole situation worse is that Enji had overheard the doctor telling Anji that Enji may never develop his quirk or be an incredibly late bloomer, further breaking his already shaky mental state.

Enji didn't speak or respond to anything for weeks, but then he started drawing to communicate. He only allowed Anji to see the drawings since he didn't trust his mother or father. Though signs of improvement were visible, his internal problems began to worsen. The doctor, while conducting the usual tests, found that Enji's blood was unstable due to both being a product of his mother's quirk and not developing his quirk yet. His blood was causing his heart to have problems beating. Thankfully it's nothing major, but he will still have to be monitored to make sure it doesn't get worse.

"Do you have anything new drawn, my little bud?" Anji asked his now selectively mute little brother. Enji picked up his drawing and showed his favorite brother. It's a cute drawing of Anji and him working together, Enji as a painter and Anji using his quirk to make a fire sculpture for him to base the mini painting on.

Enji never smiled for anyone anymore, but when he was happy and wanted to show it he would lift the corners of his mouth with his an index finger at each side to make a false smile.

Anii smiled at the drawing and Enji's happiness. "I love it, bud!" Anji said softly as loud noises scare Enji, this has been even before the car crash. Enji pulled on his arm and Anji followed what he wanted - a hug. Anji sat next to him and pulled him into a hug on his lap then pressed a kiss to the top of his head.

"You'll become amazing no matter what you do, understand?" Anji said and then chuckled when Enji nodded eagerly and pointed to himself then to Anji.

Then, finally, Anji was allowed to take Enji back home to their apartment. Enji in total had been in the hospital for a month, three weeks, six days, and seventeen hours, Anji had been counting every second.

The apartment was small and had little furniture, but at least Anji was able to buy some stuff to make Enji comfortable - a few painting and drawing supplies, a couple new plush toys, and a new brush. Enji painted and drew anything and everything that came to his mind, but they were always done quickly and messily.

After a while Anji started to paint with him too. Showing him ways he was taught in high school. Enji, quickly after that, started taking a lot of time with his drawings. His drawings and paintings continued to improve in quality over time.

When he began school again he was moved two grades up due to his extensive knowledge over everything for his age and more. So now he is in seventh grade at merely the age of ten. Despite being the youngest in the grade he was also among the most high achieving, academically at least.

Enji has always been on the weaker and smaller side due to the medication for his unstable blood causing him to not grow very much; the medication caused his growth hormones for his size to decrease because they were made to flock to his organs. His organs are also too small so the medication is also making his body send a large amount of growth hormones to them.

Then came along his 'favorite' person, Toshinori Yagi. Thirteen and in eighth grade, he is the most popular student in this school for amazing appearance of a quirk. With his popularity came extreme cockiness and an intense desire to keep himself at the top of the school hierarchy.

"Hello Deku-Deku, how is your quirklessness treating you?" Toshinori asked with his usual happy smile and eager expression. No one else could see how cruel Toshinori is since he acts all nice and sweet all the time, but Enji had known him since they were young. Since Enji has known him for years he knows how manipulative he can be. "So, lil' Deku-Deku, did you do my homework like I asked?" Toshinori asked with a sweet smile, but with cruel intentions behind it.

Enji looks down and shakes his head as he quivers in fear. He had no time to react as Toshinori kicked him in his stomach, causing him to double over and get pushed into the locker behind him.

Toshinori looked af him with cold and unforgiving eyes. "And why was that, Deku-Deku?" The two kids behind Toshinori grabbed Enji before he had time to recover.

'I was busy,' Enji mouthed like he was talking, but he was still selectively mute with all the fear he has accumulated over the years.

Toshinori tilted his head. "With. What?" He asked in a sweet and stern voice.

'I had a doctor appointment,' Enji mouthed, but all he got in return was a punch in the face. Then the other two joined in.

Enji was almost late to class as a result since he had to dress and cover the bruises. He also had gotten s bruise under his left eye, so he had to cover it with his hair. As for the other bruises, he just covered them with bandages.

The teacher came in with a stack of papers - the hero test they took the day prior. It was simply to see how much hero knowledge they had. Only Toshinori and Enji got perfect scores.

The teacher scoffed as she handed Enji his paper. "Come on everyone, that test was to see how likely you have a chance to become a hero and you all let Todoroki get a perfect score?" She hissed out, her quirk, snakes' tongue, always and only hissed when speaking to or of Enji.

No one liked him. Everyone called him Deku-Deku, little waste, rotten tomato, or the muted mouse. Enji refused to tell his siblings because he still cared about Toshinori. Toshinorti was his very, very, VERY first friend and best friend. Sure it was in their childhood and now Toshinori is now extremely toxic and manipulative, but Enji didn't care. You can call Enji obsessive, and you are completely correct. He has done and will do next to insane things for Toshinori. Enji doesn't love him in a 'I love you' way, but my in a 'I see you like a cool older sibling' sort of way.

Enji kept his head down as everyone either glared at him or mocked him. Enji took notes during class, like usual, and like usual the notes contained everything important and everything he pick up on a hero. Kinda like Izuku Midoriya I suppose, but more of a dramatic depressing backstory.

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