The Art of War

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Meanwhile, across town at the Turner Mafia's headquarters, Mason lounged in the opulent confines of his father's office, his mind consumed by thoughts of Avery Caldwell. The Caldwells were a thorn in his family's side, a constant reminder of the bitter feud that had divided Avalon Bay for generations.

But Mason had never been one to back down from a challenge, especially not one as alluring as Avery. With a steely glint in his eyes, he vowed to outmaneuver her at every turn, to prove once and for all that the Turners were a force to be reckoned with.

As he mapped out his strategy for the upcoming turf war, Mason couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to Avery Caldwell than met the eye. Beneath her tough exterior lurked a vulnerability that intrigued him—a vulnerability that he couldn't help but want to explore.

With a smirk playing at the corners of his lips, Mason picked up the phone and dialed Avery's number. It was time to make a move.

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