Chapter 90. - Did You Come To Kill Me?

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Despite their new title, Azazeal was more than aware that the palace they walked into was very much still full of the former monarchs' court. They may not try to harm them, but the former King was still alive and breathing and the loyalty of those sworn to Delila Queen was not something Az could count on. This was why he made a point to lead the pack straight into Ezra's chambers instead of a meeting room or anywhere else. He knew the high witch would do anything to protect their own. It was the one safe space in the pit of snakes. In a way, he was almost glad Freya was going to leave for war soon. Almost. He'd have time to weed out this place and make it safe before she came back. Even if letting her go back South was an agonizing thought.

He watched her sit down on his lap, her hair now showing white strands in them and her eyes throwing a strange red and orange glow. It seemed his queen was going to be blessed with white hair and red eyes. Uncommon, even for royals. He wondered how she'd take it once the change was complete. It was a thought he tried to distract himself with, so he didn't have to think about all the possibilities of her back in the Summerlands. It may have been the smartest and most strategic option, but that hardly made it easier on him. What if she realized she wanted to stay there? He had no illusions about himself and who he was. He was never ashamed of it either. But what about her? What if she decided to use the distance to break herself free of the chains he inevitably placed her in when he accidentally forced the bond on her all those years ago?

"Okay, you wanted to talk?" Lucia broke the silence once they all made themselves comfortable.

"Yes," Az nodded, the redhead's words bringing him back to reality, something he was almost grateful for. He looked at Freya, whose face was blank. She got way too skilled in hiding how she felt. It was his fault really, he made her into what she was after all. And he also spent the whole ride to the palace explaining to her what his plan was, because the last thing he needed was his mate being pissed at him for not communicating again.

"We can't waste any time," Freya was the one to begin, "Whatever is going on in the South has been brewing for way too long and we need to get moving as soon as possible. This is why Connor, Nolan and Liv will get Liv's former pack out of the refugee camp by tonight," his queen announced.

"And where do we take them exactly?" Connor asked as Liv perked up in his arms. The girl was still too attached to her former pack for Az' liking, but when he suggested severing the ties the hard way, Freya shot him down.

"There is a safe house in the clan quarter. It's pretty much across the road from our house, gated and hidden behind a tall wall. They can stay there for a few days while we get the ship ready. Regain some strength as it won't be an easy journey," Aaron replied.

"In the meantime, we'll get the ship ready. The goal is to set sail within a week. Connor and Liv, you'll go with them as well as a small crew of sailors," Freya said, earning a nod from Connor.

"So, what exactly do you need me to do once we get there?" Liv asked hesitantly. Az couldn't help but offer her one if his wicked smiles. It amused him to no end that she was still uneasy about him, something the rest of the group was long since immune to.

"It's hard to say. It all depends on the situation. But your main goal is to infiltrate and find as much information as you possibly can. Connor will guide you. He will be your support there. Since you're mates and he is technically the royal spymaster, he is the best for the job," Freya explained casually. Whether she was aware of his antics and just said nothing, or had no idea, Az couldn't tell.

"A word of advice, Liv," Az spoke, fully enjoying the effect he had on the girl, "remember our deal. And where you belong. Your friends' lives depend on you staying on track with your mission," he made a point to remind her and could practically hear her gulp from across the room.

"What about the rest of us?" Demi asked.

"You, Devan, Nolan and I will set sail shortly after. But we have a few stops to make. We need allies so we will go find some. Isle of Undead, Cursed Islands and Phantom Desert. Hopefully we will convince them to join us before we sail the army to Summerlands. I want the war to be quick. And I don't want to lose too many lives in the South, away from our lands. We'll do what is necessary to make sure Winterlands is safe and get out of there," Freya laid out the plan and her three future companions nodded simply.

"And us? Why don't we get to have any fun?" Lucia whined.

"Who said we won't have fun?" Aaron laughed.

"Well, no offense, but they will get to murder people. All we will get is cards, knowing the two of you," Lucia mumbled, looking at Az and his brother pointedly.

"Oh I wouldn't worry about lack of violence, Luc," Az stated. "This palace is full of candidates for a chopping block. We won't be bored at all," he added.

"You have my attention, your highness," Lucia quickly changed tune.

"Keep a low profile for now. All of you. But make note of anything out of line. I don't want to raise any suspicions until the army sails out. Anything you need to discuss, use the pack link or this room. Until we cut the snakes out, Ezra's quarters are the safest place in this blasted palace. And we can use the tunnels from here to get to the clan quarter and our house," Az explained.

"There are tunnels?" Connor asked. And Az nodded alongside Aaron, causing Devan of all people to start laughing.

"Of course there are tunnels. Of course," he laughed some more, much to everyone's surprise. But then, one by one, they couldn't help but join in with him.

"Some things never change. We'll always be sneaking through the tunnels to get home into a wooden house away from people," Demi voiced the irony which didn't fail to reach them all.

"Let's get some rest before we go get that group from the camp," Nolan said and the whole pack seemed to agree, taking refuge in Ezra's rooms, feeling the safest there for the time being. Well, everyone except for Az. He watched Freya doze off in his arms as they lay on the couch before getting up and leaving the room with people most dear to him behind. And he walked down the corridors of the palace, following a trail of marks Ezra left him, only one goal on his mind.

"If it isn't the new King himself. Did you come to kill me? Just like you killed her?" The words of the former king were one of a broken man, but they did nothing to melt Az' frozen heart as he stood in the door, a dagger in his hand. It wasn't exactly legal per say. New monarchs weren't supposed to kill their predecessors. Killing even one would make them too powerful. Killing both? Even worse. It was the job of the high witch to put the remaining monarch to sleep. Was. But not this time.

"I told her killing that kid was a mistake, you know? But I must admit, the witch I expected to be pissed. You? We didn't see you coming," the fallen king spoke again and Az chuckled darkly.

"You should have looked better then," Azazeal said, his voice cold and dark.

"It's funny. Your mother warned us about you. Back when my wife stripped her of her high priestess title. Before you were even born. Your mother said the Gods would send someone like you. And then when your sister came around, it all seemed to make sense. Yet here we are. I saw you back then. Through my wife's eyes as she was bleeding out in the snow. I heard your promise," the king still sat in his chair, facing the window, his back to Azazeal, his shoulders slumped in silent resignation.

"But you told no one," Az noted as he took a step forward.

"What would be the point? She was dead. Nothing would bring her back. Life gets so very dark once your beloved is gone. Nothing makes sense after," he was a broken man speaking broken words now. It was almost pitiful. Almost. There was nothing fair about slitting this man's throat, nothing honorable. But Azazeal did it anyway. Because he was none of these things. And he would never be. And as he took the former king's life, a surge of power went through him. Down the bond, he could feel his mate gasp awake with sudden realization of what he's done.

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