The beggining of denial

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No one POV

"Kiss me.." A boy from a nearby table said to a woman. Akito snapped his chopsticks as An sighed and looked away. "Snapping chopsticks aren't going to give you a boyfriend dude." An said while playing with her rice. Toya chuckled and Kohane leaned her head on An's shoulder. "Easy for you to say..and I don't even want a girlfriend! I'm straight." Akito sighed as A rolled her eyes. An and Kohane had been dating for almost a year. They sat together on one side of the booth where Akito and Toya sat together on the other side. As they all finished the paid for their food (Toya insisted on paying for Akito but no one eyes) and decided to go to the park.

A bit later they were walking in the park when An got a message on her phone. "Hey guys me and Kohane are just gonna go home! You two lovebirds have fun!" She dragged Kohane as Kohane waved goodbye. "Oh I might have to go as well.." Toya seemed a bit hesitant. "Your old man?" Akito asked. Toya giggled. He always laughed when Akito called his dad that. He nodded, still laughing a bit. "Well..text me when you get home like we usually do." Akito said with a soft smile, Toya returned the smile.

Toya returned home. His father was in his own room. Toya sighed of relief when he noticed. He stepped into his room, stepping carefully, trying not to make a loud or sudden noises so his father wouldn't notice that he got home. As he did he settled his belongings down and began to change his cloths. He changed into his white pajamas with baby blue stripes going vertically across. As he headed to the bathroom to wash up before bed he got a message on his phone. It was Akito.

(A) Yo, you made it home safe?
(T) ya
(A) did your old man touch you?
(T) nah he didn't even know that I got home
(A) oh..okay that's good then.
(A) well I gotta try to get some sleep. See you tmmr love.
(A) Loser**
(T) Goodnight.

Toya POV

I felt my cheeks getting hot. Why? Was it because Akito accidentally typed 'Love'? I wasn't attracted to him or anything so why would I blush over something like that? He was straight and I was straight so.. why am do I feel like a thousand butterfly's are storming in my stomach. It's so stupid oh my god..It's a stupid typo anyway.

I finished brushing my teeth and dried my face with my towel and ruffled my hair a bit but it looked unpresentable so I flattened it out again. I don't even know how Akito could keep his hair so untidy and messy. If only I could touch ti and fix it. I put lotion on my arms and legs before I close the bathroom lights and my bedroom lights and tucked myself in. I check my phone for any finale messages. Only one from Tsukasa that said he got me something from the store when he went out with Rui. I smiled and out my phone flat down on the bedside table after I charged it and made sure to double check if I had put my alarm to exactly 5 in the morning.

I feel asleep not long after I shut my eyes.

Akito POV

As I arrived home I instantly texted Toya if he was okay. I know his old man is horrible and if I could I would smack him in the face. I felt disgusting after a day and decided just to take a quick shower, especially not taking one in a while. Toya tells me it's unhealthy to not shower in a week but I think he's just lying. I read on an article that grease is good for your hair so..Toya is probably lying to me. I strip my cloths off as an orange jumper as well as some shorts fall to my tiled floor. As I get in the shower it's cold so I put it hotter. I put soap on and do what normal people do in the shower. As I finish I take a towel and dry myself as I dump the cloths that were on the floor and now wet into my dirty laundry basket. I walk into the room with my towel wrapped around my waist and pick up my phone to continue texting Toya because he texted back.

I face away from my closed door as I take off the towel to change but still continue to text Toya. As I text him Ena entered the room.

"WHAT THE FUCK WHY ARE YOU BUTTER BALL NAKED" Ena screamed and threw her phone at me.

"WHY DID YOU COME INTO MY ROOM WITHOUT KNOCKING!" I quickly put on the boxers that I set out on my bed and turn around to shoo her away.

"You're mad disgusting for keeping your door unlocked and changing." Ena said and picked her phone back up. "And you're so hard headed that you cracked my phone. You're gonna pay for the repairs you shit head." Ena commented and flicked on the forehead I as I scowled. Ena left the room and shut the door as I started to slip my pajamas on. I sighed and rolled my eyes one final time before I grabbed my phone and shut the lights. I jumped on my bed and told myself I was going to sleep in around 2 hours. I shut my night lamp and the only thing that lit up my room was my phones light. I laid on my side. I managed to stay up until morning and I hadn't even realized until my alarm clock on my phone went off and I cursed myself.

I rolled off my bed and groaned. I landed on the floor and stayed there for a while, contemplating whether or not I should give myself 5 more minutes.

Hii😅 I was kinda debating whether I should post this or not bcuz yk it's uh..not good obviously. And I also rlly don't know what to write about so..idk?? Any ideas for angst and stuff like that?

1020 something words woohoo!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 02 ⏰

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Gays in Denial😔 - Akitoya Fanfic💪Where stories live. Discover now