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.Luciano Friedrick katz
.65 years old
.Underworld mafia leader
.Head of most powerful family
.Have been known for cruelty, dominance, principles,rules,regulations and above all justice
.Hates betrayal
.Loves his family(sons) and has 3 children( 2 sons and 1 daughter)
.His wife is long dead (he himself killed her )
.He does not belive in emotions.

Abraham Luciano Friedrick Katz

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.Abraham Luciano Friedrick Katz
.35 years old
.Heir to underwold throne
.He is most dominant, fearless,mysterious, scarry and powerful person
.He loves his father most and than his siblings.
.He is only soft hearted for his princess (sister)
.He is like his father and for him his father words are final decree.
.He has spoiled his brother and sister so much

.He hates his mother(reason will be revealed)

He hates his mother(reason will be revealed)

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.Christopher Luciano Friedrick katz
.28 years old
.He is seemingly calm person in family
.Enormously spoiled by his brother and father
.Known as chris/christy among his friends&family
.He loves sex,BDSM,and clubbing most
.He is care free but not kind to all specially to slaves, servants or even employees

He is care free but not kind to all specially to slaves, servants or even employees

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.Sonia Luciano Friedrick Katz
.26 years old
.She is opposite of her brother yet very similar
.She is arogant,but kind.she is beautiful yet bold and strong
.She loves her brothers but hates her father
.She hates rules,principles
.She is mostly spoiled by his Big B(Abraham)
.She loves weapons

She loves weapons

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.Dr Sarah Nahyan
.24 years old
.She is orphan
.Loves her father(church) and aunt Agatha most
.She is calmest,beautiful,kindest and purse soul
.She loves cleanliness,reading books,treating patients
.She has OCD(obsessive compulsive disorder)
.She believes in dexterity and also always stands with right and truthfulness.
.She wishes to become a good physician.

She wishes to become a good physician

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Yayımlanan bölümlerin sonuna geldiniz.

⏰ Son güncelleme: Apr 22 ⏰

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