The Reluctant Teacher (Stone Gossard & Jeon Jungkook)

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Summary: It was a bad time to be asking Stone for a favor, but Jungkook was persistent. Perhaps it would pay off...

Warnings: cussing, general OOC-ness, fandom blind

Pearl Jam and BTS

This was written for an April Fool's Exchange via discord. It's kind of a partial fandom blind 😅. I hope some people enjoy it!!!!!


Seattle, 1991

Fuck Jeff. The idiot didn't know what he was talking about. If anything, he was the one that was off, not Stone. There was no way he jumped into his part too quickly. It sounded exactly the way it did on the album. Jeff was just too slow, that's all. Perhaps he should consider moving back to Montana where things moved at a slower pace. Become a farmer or some shit. Whatever the hell it is they do in Montana.

The rest of them weren't much help in settling the debate either. Dave dipped out as soon as he was able to, now sharing drinks at the bar with the redhead he met before the show. Mike took too much enjoyment from teasing them both, sitting on the couch backstage and throwing out poorly thought out insults with the intention of further egging them on. And Eddie just had this tendency to agree with whatever they both said. This wasn't sitting around a campfire, holding hands and singing “Kumbaya” in California anymore. You can't have it both ways, Eddie. You must pick a side.

Then, there was Jeff, in that stupid, floppy hat. Like he was trying to make a fashion statement or something. News flash, Jeff, you don't look as cool as you think you do. But what made it worse was that he wouldn't stop talking. Nagging, really. Nitpicking. As if his continuous bitching would somehow make Stone admit that he was right. Jeff should know better than that by now. Besides, Stone wasn't wrong; Jeff was. What Stone really wanted to do was knock that fucking hat off his head. That would get him to shut up, for sure.

Stone opted out of violence though. What could he say; he was a pacifist. Instead, he found himself nursing a beer at the bar. On the opposite end from Dave and the redhead, of course. He didn't want to be around that shit. Although, he could still see him and witness the visual of his pathetic attempts at flirting. At least he couldn't hear it though. Ways to look at the bright side of things. Wherever Mike, Eddie and Jeff were though, he had no idea. He really and truly wasn't in the mind to care though. It was better not to know. He was already having to deal with the sight of Dave in his peripherals; that was bad enough by itself.

Taking a sip of his drink, he settled the bottle back to the damp surface of the counter, fingers dipping in the wet circle edging out from under the glass of the bottle. He was thinking he'd leave after finishing his beer, go back home. Socializing wasn't topping his list of activities to be doing. Jeff had taken care of that. Thanks, Jeff, such a pal.

Speaking of… Stone rolled his eyes at seeing Jeff's hat on the move over the heads of the crowd. That was his sign. Gulping down the rest of his beer, he motioned toward the bartender so he could pay. He half-stood from the stool, pulling his wallet from his back pocket as the bartender drew nearer, turning around once for a quick location check of Jeff's hat. It was preferable that he not see him before he left.

And he would have succeeded. The bartender was standing in front of him; he had his wallet half open. He would have been triumphant if not for the asshole that tapped on his shoulder.

Stone closed his eyes for a second, letting his irritation wash over him. Why didn't he just leave immediately after exiting the backstage? His wallet still in hand, he turned around to come face-to-face with his unwelcome intruder.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 02 ⏰

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