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Silk sheets...

Thats all felix saw as he opened his eyes to a new day.

Black silk sheets.

With a disgruntled expression, the young male pushed him self off of the rather comfortable bed and took in his surroundings.

"Where the hell am i???...." he thought to himself as he looked around the dimly lit room trying to wake up completely.

Finally coming to his senses the boy jumped up out of the bed, tumbling to the ground.

While struggling to compose himself, he tried to piece together the memories of the night before but everything was really a blur. All he could recall was having a huge argument with his boyfriend changbin and calling his best friend jisung in a fury, ranting about the whole situation. But other than that Felix remembered nothing.

The clothes he wore last night were replaced by a black oversized sweater that smelt of a unfamiliar cologne.

What the hell was going on.

Just as felix was about to get off of the floor the room door swung open. Causing him to turn his attention to it as a tall man entered.

Propping himself onto the doorframe the man stared at felix with a smirk on his face, revealing one prominent dimple.

"Wait i know this guy.....where have i seen him????"

" what you doing over there on the floor sweet cheeks?" The man asked, causing felix to blush profusely from the name calling.

He needed to get it together.

He had a boyfriend to get home to.

A relationship to mend.

He thinks at least.....

Clearing his throat softly, Felix began to try to stand up, not before the mystery man grabbed him gently by the waist and picked him up, placing him down on his feet. His large hands lingered on the youngers waist.

This man is too much...

Pushing the mans hands away, he started to back away slowly as he looked around for his things, only spotting his shoes, phone and bag so far.

"So how exactly did i get here?..." he asked, voice shaking just a little.

The man pushed his hands into his hoodie as he stared Felix down before answering with an exasperated sigh.

"We met at Rouge last night, you were drunk, going on and on about some bin thing or whatever. i was drunk as hell already when you found me and things consensually happened.. i guess"

Felix could vomit right now

He felt himself slowly falling to his knees. A single tear rolling down his cheek as he looked up at the other man.

"What the fuck do you mean i guess! Like we had sex?!"

The man standing threw the other an annoyed look before rolling his eyes slightly.

" You would be wearing my clothes if we didnt, now would ya sweet cheeks."

"shit...." He said to himself, the other man hearing still.

Felix started to feel ashamed, this was the most embarrassing thing hes done in his life so far. He just cheated on his boyfriend with a stranger he met while drunk.

This had to be the worst fucking day ever.

The older male stood and watched as felix became tense. Walking up to him slowly he ruffled his hair and gave him a dazzling smile before chuckling softly.

"Hey bubs, no harm done right? It was one night between two single drunk people. Youll be fine"

Felux gave the male a look before swatting his hand away. Glare fixed on the taller hands-......taller man.

" Thats the thing man! I'm not single!!..."

A/n: heyyyy babes so this book is the making of a random plot that cane to mind one night that im finally setting out there. I just want yall to also know that i do not condone cheating, its a very bad thing to do so please dont take my book and use it in real life or sum. Also remember this story is allllllll fiction loves meaning its dun dun dunnnnn FAKE soooooo dont take anything too serious. Updates will happen when i have time so enjoy the first chapter. Also if you cant tell this book is inspired by a lay banks song....... Who can guess which one????? Its really easy lol but i wanna know what yall say so comment. Lub you guysss!!!!! *mwah*

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