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It's been five years...
I've been locked in this prison for 1,825 days...
Tourtured by each boring day for 43,800 hours...
All because of her. She left me there to rot and die. I am paying the price for her doing, her control.

"So... The Witch is your mom huh?" One of my gaurds asked me on our drive to who knows where. He must be new since the gaurds ussually don't talk to me unless they are yelling at me to move faster or 'have less aditude' (even though I don't speak). I haven't been able to leave the prison grounds so far in my time, I wonder what could be so important. But what could it be? I am seen as the most dangerous villian in the city, so what or who is powerful enough to get me out for even just a second?
"quiet you idiot! She can't talk to us." Another gaurd responds to the first for me,, while hitting him in the back of the head.
"Ow! Why? She controls things with her hands no ther mouth!"
"Because shes a prisoner! And all prisoners do is spread lies and try to minipulate you." Ouch... what did I ever do to him.
"Both of you shut up! We are almost to our destination." The driver yells from the front of the van. It seems exesive to have three guards for one prisoner, especially sicne I have had good behavior for the past five years. If I were a normal prisoner they would have let me go by now, but that awful human who left me here has left so much pain that I'll be in shackles for the rest of my life.

We finally arive to our destination. I'm met with blinding sunnlight after being shoved out of the back of the van like an animal. When my eyes finally adjust I can see our location, UA High School.
"Walk tramp!" A guard pushes me to start walking towards the school. My mind is filled with a million questions. Why does a school filled with heros want to see me? Is this a next level of punishment? What have I done? Well I've done a lot of horrible things, but why are they changing my punishment now? No, I need to stop. Wondering these questions will do me nothing, I need to observe my surroundings. The two gaurds next to me seem relaxed. They are more of observing the scenery than watching me. While the lead gaurd who was driving the truck earlier is marching ahead. He almost seems nervous though and every once in a while he will look back and glare at his comrades for slacking off. The whole vibe of these three is off, it feels like one of us know why we are here.

We finally make it through the winding halls of the school and are now stood infront of a room labeled 'conference room'.
"Ok you too... We are about to be met with the principal and other teachers of this prestegious school. I want you both on your best behavior otherwise I'll fire you both." The lead guard orders stiffly. The two next to me straighten up and suddenly look nervous. (Which I guess I would be too) The door suddenly opens and my guards walk me to a lone chair in the middle of the room. Across from this chair is three chairs with different pro-heros sitting in them. I reconize two of them, on the left is All Might, and on the right is Eraserhead; however the person or rather animal in the middle I don't recognize.
"Hello Y/n, I hope the trip was all right. I'm sure you are wondering why you are here, but first- Guards will you please remove her cuffs?" the middle hero demands more than asks. Both the guards and I are thrown off by this request. I have barely had these cuffs off for more than an hour at a time. And for tha tto happen I had to be showering with at least three female guards present.
"Uh- Principal Nezu, this criminal is very dangerous. She-" the new guard speaks up quizativley.
"I wasn't actually asking... Aizawa will erase her quirk if she gets any ideas, and All Might will restrain her. So I will make myslef more clear. Unshackle the poor girl and leave the room until I allow you to enter again," there is a strong and dark aura to this tiny animal. I can tell the guards can feel it too cause they immediately take off my cuffs and walk out of the room. "Great now that they are gone, I will get straight to the point. I would like you to come join UA!"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 03 ⏰

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