Enter michaelis

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The bright lights of the casino can be seen from anywhere. After all here at the lotus only the rich can enter. People gamble away business in hopes of getting something back. Very few win anything here. 1 a month they hold an auction with a precious item. It is different every time.

There are two ways to win the item of the month. Have the highest bid or win it in a game. No one has ever one the prize so the prizes go into circulation.

Man-"did you hear apparently they got a very special prize this month."

Man2-"wow cause we could totally win it"

Man-"you never know"

Woman-"well I heard there's a new man in town who own like and entire chain of businesses."

Man-"oh I can't wish to make money off of him."

Man-"do you know what this man looks like."

Woman-"no but again he's rich so maybe I can finally get me a sugar daddy."

Woman2-"but aren't you like already filthy rich."

Woman-"well is it so wrong for a woman to want to stop working at leave everything to her husband."

Woman2-"I guess you're right. What if this guy is like Alex"

Woman-"then I guess I will try and set him straight. I mean a man can't even have kids so I'm the better option right"

Woman2-"yeah we all know how the last guy turned out"

Woman-"he just couldn't take all of this beauty"

Man-"yeah cause that's what happened."

While all the idle chat was going on, in a separate room the people were getting this month's prize ready.

Man-"well ain't he a pretty one."

Man2-"shame I can't keep him as a sex slave."

Man-"I mean you can still use him. It's not like anyone wins the prizes anyway."

Man2-"dude you're right."

Man3-"did this one have a name"

Man-"yeah but it's unimportant know. For this month he is call number 37. You got that right number 37."

We pan over to a boy locked in a cage. He looked rather feminine due to a lack of food. His h/n hair reached his mid back and he was lying in a fetal position. All he was wearing was underwear for warmth.

Man2-"well it's almost time number 37."

Man3-"when's the last time he had a bath"

Man-"are we even sure that that's a male"

Man2-"I mean we could always check to see if they're packaging."

The boy in the cage shakes his head no.

Man-"oh is it shy. Well get over it. With the amount of woman their are tonight your going to have to show everyone everything."

Then the men start pushing the cage to the stage.

Back to the casino

Woman-"when is this new guy going to be here."

Then a loud commotion happened at a near by table.

My addiction (yandere gambler x male reader)Where stories live. Discover now