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AN//Please be aware: I haven't written in years, like since 2016 or so...

uhhh I'm sorry for whatever inconsistencies you discover. I've editedand reread this chapter multiple times so the errors shouldn't be abundant.Either way, I hope it's fun to read. Sorry if it's super long. I've always struggledwith too much detail or not enough to transition into more of the story.So I genuinely tried this time around. Enjoy peeps :3Disclaimer: I do not own any of these characters, barely the ones that I created myself lol jk, the originals are mine :]

"Gentlemen! Our services are required." A deep, rugged voice bellowed in a warehouse that housed special military grade machinery. The room was filled with one of the world's best (remaining) special ops team. Seven strong men sat all around their lead and second in command to be briefed on their upcoming mission.

"This journey will be harrowing but should be simple enough if things go according to plan. But at the end of the world, expect the unexpected. We leave in two days. The journey should be about four days depending on the level of hordes and blockages along the way. I'm told it should be a simple restoration job, but in the very likely case that it turns to sh*t, we will evacuate and extricate any and all things necessary."

A hand shot up from a boyish looking man. The youngest in the group, being of 24 years of age.

The second-in-command's green eyes shot over to the pink haired boy with disinterest. He would have a question. "Yes, Yuuji. The personnel we find at the facility would be considered necessary." He deadpanned as the hand no longer stood up. Groans and a few snickers chorused through the group as a heavy hand swatted at the back of his head.

"Ow, Sukuna! It was a reasonable question." Yuuji fussed with his older brother. Sukuna merely responded with a kiss of his teeth.

The lead cleared his throat as he sat up from the desk he was leaning against, running a thick hand through his blonde locks. "That's enough, gentlemen. Thank you, Toji, for the debrief." Toji nodded and stood off to the side, leaning up against a truck they'd soon be venturing in. "We might not have the greatest connection out there, so be prepared to do things old school." There was a brief silence as he collected a few items to then hand out to each member. "Try to remain in teams of at least two, no less. We've seen how easily a few undead can overtake someone."

"Uh. Nanami-san. What is this you've handed us?" A white brow perked up looking over the items they were all given.

"A general map, a map of the towns within vicinity of destination and a blueprint of the facility. I suggest you get well acquainted with all of these gentlemen, like Geto and Gojo have with every woman from sector 8." Nanami shifted his glasses up as Gojo looked on at him in bemusement. Shots fired.

"Sector 8 is the medical wing?" Yuuji pondered on what was said, giving a questionable look to his mate with dark spikey hair.

"Yep, and that would explain the frequent nurse visits you'd both have." A sweet voice chipped in.

"You even got poor Yuta ganging up on me?!" A fake cry came from the unapologetic womanizer of a man.

"Tch. None of those women could compare to my one and only Takada-chan. You have poor taste."

"Todo, for the love of -no one cares about your obsessive nonexistent fantasy woman." Sukuna leaned in towards a scarred scowling face.

The group could not contain their snickers as their lead continued through their shenanigans.

"I want to be thorough and well prepared with this mission. That'll leave little room for error and that way I will have all my men back here safely. This is a special case. Understood?" Nanami's eyes glared across the room.

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