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While Ray was just Getting drunk with Mew, Top, Nick, And Boston, Sand was Outside getting harassed and Raped..

Sand "P-please.... S-stop... "

Random guy "Fuck!, This tight Hole Really is getting filled with Blood and Cum"
Ray's Pov:

I was in my Room crying and Throwing things at the wall, Cuz Sand just broke up with me, I couldn't live without him, He was literally my life line, My parents came in and Looked angry and shocked

Ray's Mom "You stupid child!"

Ray's dad "What did you do to your room?!!"

Ray "Sand broke up with, And you guys yell at me while I'm crying?.. "

Ray's Mom "Well it's not my fault that Sand broke up with you, because your not good enough"

I looked at her in shock, what if Sand broke up with me cuz I wasn't that good enough?

Ray "Thats not true!... Well I hope it's not.. "

Ray's dad "Oh come on!, Just exept the fact Sand left you cuz you were not good enough for him!"

Ray "I-i-i.. "

Ray's Mom "You what?!, Huh?!"

I pushed them out my room and then locked the Door, I started to scream in a pillow, Cuz I just kept thinking of Sand.
At night I was a sleep till I was Having a Nightmare

*Ray's Nightmare:

Sand "You'll never be good enough for me"

Ray "Sand please!"

Sand "Please what?! the fact that your the reason I'm breaking up with you"

With that Sand left Ray, While Ray fell on to his knees Crying*

I Immediately woke up and started Crying, I Realized that it was 8pm, I slept the whole day without realizing it. I got up and started changing, I then went to my Parents Car and started the Engine, While I was Driving I got a Call from My parents, And then They were yelling at the phone saying why I stole their car.

Ray's Mom "You Child don't learn anything right!?"


Ray "It's not like you have plenty others"



Ray "Yes and I'm not going back Home, So deal with it Bye"

Ray's Dad "YOU-"

Ray's Dad "FUCKI-"

I hung up the Phone cuz I didn't want to hear them anymore, Once I got to the Club I saw my Friends, Mew, Nick, Top, And Boston, I went over to them.

Mew "Hey Ray"

Boston "Whats up man?"

Top "Is anything wrong?"

Nick "You look Off, Did anything happen?"

Ray "Sand broke up with me... and my parents are being Strict like always.. "

Mew "It's fine Ray, You'll get used to your Parents.. "

Top "Ya and for Sand, He probably wants his own space, Maybe he just needs some time alone"

Ray "Ya maybe... But what if Sand just doesn't like me anymore and he broke up with me because I'm not good enough for him?!"

Boston "Sand Loves you and you know that to, But it's just not getting to you yet, And Your exactly his type"

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