Chapter 2

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When Josie's plane finally landed in Maryland, she was in awe. She had never really gotten to see much of the world, not with her helicopter parents, but she intended on changing that. First, she will have to focus on college. After all, getting away from her parents wasn't the only reason she wanted to go here. The school of medicine at John Hopkins was unparalleled in her opinion. Of course, there would always be Harvard, but considering her parents only lived 25 minutes away by car, there was no way she would even attempt applying there.

Since both of them did go to Harvard, they were pressuring Josie to go the same route as them. They weren't doctors, but they were lawyers. Maybe that's where their strict behavior came from. Josie knew that if she did attempt it and got rejected, her parents wouldn't be like those parents who would attempt to use their connections to get their kid in, they would've never let her live it down.

She could only sway them by getting a scholarship. Her family does not have any money troubles, but her parents would certainly be happier with not having to pay anything. Her dorm room is also covered by her scholarship, so really, all her parents had to give her was a monthly allowance for food and other necessities. They agreed on 800 dollars a month. Josie was more than thankful. She thinks she will definitely be able to handle herself with the money. If that is not the case, her parents would maybe consider giving her extra, but she would hate asking them. They were close to refusing to let her go in the first place, so asking for money because she blew it all would definitely be another point where they could complain even more.

Josie couldn't believe she was finally here. She flagged down a taxi and let him drive her to the dorms. She just hoped her flatmate wouldn't be completely insufferable. She really didn't want to deal living with someone annoying... again.

Once Josie saw the campus, she was once again assured that this was the right choice. This is where she has to be, and she might sound like a nerd, but she couldn't wait for her first class.

She quickly found her dorm and was pleased to see that she had arrived before her dorm mate. Luckily, the rooms were pre chosen, so they didn't have to fight over who got which room. The bathroom was very small, but you could get things done just fine. The kitchen was also not large, but Josie would be able to deal with that.

Growing up with rich parents always provided her with large spaces to live, but to get away from them, she might even consider living in a vent.

Just as Josie was unpacking, she got a call from her mother, of course, FaceTime. She arrived 5 minutes ago, and they had to immediately check in.

Josie picked it up immediately, though she was nervous her mother would request seeing her room. It was currently not organized, Josie was literally just getting to it. She hoped her mother would show understanding.

"Hello, Josephine." Her mother greeted her with the same nonchalant expression she always had.

"Hello, Mother." Josie answered, making sure not to sound anything other than respectful. Showing anything else while interacting with her parents was like asking for a punishment. Josie was well aware that they couldn't do anything to her anymore. They weren't here, but she did fear they would do something irrational, like move to Baltimore just to spite her, to show her she could never truly get rid of them.

"Your father and I forgot to clear some things with you before you left. I'm sure you understand that just because you're not home anymore, it doesn't mean you can abandon our family principles and values, correct?" Her mother asked, expecting only one answer as everything else would be unacceptable.

"Of course, Mother. I will continue my daily workout as well as read two hours a day to expand my vocabulary. Having a desirable figure and being eloquently well-spoken is a must." Josie recited what her parents oh so often drilled into her head.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 07 ⏰

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