intro 🎀

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felix pov

"king lee, I appreciate your concern but nothing happened last night"

huh. fucking son of a bitch, he lied to me about that night. because apparently I just found out that some fucker drugged me that night and locked me a room with a omega in heat. crazy, ain't it?

and now after 3 months, I found out that I've got the omega pregnant. wow, just wow.

so right now I'm on the way to bring him to live with me because clearly I can't do injustice to our child. It's not even his fault because he was in heat and it's not my fault as well as I was drugged AND it's not the child's fault too, so I've decided to mate the omega of course only if he consent and then live like a happy family just for my child.

I don't want my child to have an absent father figure like I had.

hyunjin's pov

yea, imagine getting pregnant after your first ever heat, and I was in such a headspace that I didn't know it happened.
When I found out I was carrying a life inside me, I was heartbroken because clearly I was raped. Then turns out my own father drugged King Lee and sent him to my room that night because he wants to take over Lee's kingdom.

I'm an orphan now. My mother died when I was really young and in the back of my mind I killed my father too. Who does that with their own child? Maybe it's because I'm his only omega kid..

I knew as a male omega I was worthless and a fuck toy for alphas to use whenever they pleased but I didn't expect my father to rub it on my face like this. I hate him so much.

I'm in my room right now, waiting for my Prince Charming (satire) to come and save me from this hell. And no, I don't hate him now. But if he tried something funny to our child, I won't hesitate to choke him to death.

I don't want my child to have a absent mother figure like I had. I'll try my best to mother my child in every way possible.

author here,
I read a little life a few days ago, so to calm my mind I'm gonna write a story where everything good happens because jude st francis deserved better.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 03 ⏰

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