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Alcohol is never a thing for him to order and drink whenever he goes out to a bar with his friends and families. Pathetic, they might say, but it helps him clear his mind from the danger situations that he had read online, the news and the people around him. Since young, he has seen the consequence that those liquid will only break down any relationships if you're not controlling yourself.

Yeah. As long as he controls himself, it should be good, right?


Besides, he needs something to get that off of his mind. He can't keep playing volleyball all day, and when he couldn't, he would think about it.

Tonight, he and the team are celebrating to a game that they won today, against the Adlers. As he sips on his whiskey, in the corner of his eye, he watches with amusement with how Shoyo is getting touchy with the dark-haired setter from their enemy team. Tobio, the other boy, seems to be much more cool and more collected than Atsumu could remember when they are in high school.

Bokuto sits beside Shoyo, but he doesn't pay them any attention as the orange-haired boy seems to be riling up the setter up to an alcohol contest. He has his phone up to his ears, eyes all lovesick like a puppy and lips grinning like a damn hyena as he talks to the person on the other side of the phone.

Akaashi, most probably. Atsumu wants to roll his eyes at the sweet display.

Thomas is at one side of the bar, trying to hit up a blonde girl. Atsumu winces when the girl shakes his head and makes a disgusted look at him. Yikes, that must hurt, and Atsumu can't help but think that he is glad that he's gay, since girls scare him even when he was a kid in middle school.

Inunaki... well. Atsumu isn't sure, but—Meian doesn't seem too bothered when Inunaki orders another glass of shot for them. He sees the libero snickers when he also notices as Shoyo puts a suggestive hand on Tobio's chest, almost appreciatively as he keeps his hand there.

No one is approaching him tonight, and almost every time they go out to celebrate, there will always be men and women come onto him, asking him if Atsumu is interested to leave early for the night, or have a quick session in the bathroom. As a man in his early twenties, full of life and energy, he is unable to say no to such an amazing idea to tire him for the night.

Is he not hot enough tonight? This outfit usually works well.

He gives a quick glance around him and sees people avoid his eye contacts. Atsumu could only sigh at his own lonely presence. In the bar.

"Can you stop with the sighing? It's annoyingly loud."

Right. Alone, but with Sakusa. Ugh.

He turns to his left to see his last teammate of the night sitting next to him, only sipping on something that is non-alcoholic. An empty stool separating them, a safe distance for the pair to not be in an argument for the celebration night. He wonders what made Sakusa to decide that he wants to come and join them this time. Usually, he would refuse and said that he'd rather be in his room watching clips of volleyball matches.

What a nerd—pretty nerd. Atsumu looks away from him and takes another sip of his whiskey.

"It's not even that loud. Are ya payin' so much attention to me, huh, Omi-kun?" Atsumu snickers at him, plays his fingers on the rim of the glass, watches the glinting droplets roll down the coaster underneath it. "Ya know, instead of paying attention to a guy like me, ya should enjoy the night more. It's not like the great Sakusa Kiyoomi will hit the bar every time, right?"

"You give too much credit to yourself."

Atsumu raises a brow at him. "I do? How so? Do explain, Omi-kun."

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