The Bois headcanons

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This is for my channel, if you've seen the community post on my channel then be away that many things have changed since then. Some of these things will be canon which I will note what is canon (Abby's info is all completely canon as she is my own character)

Anywho- let's get into this!

Ages from youngest to Oldest:
Sollux (16)
Tom and Todoroki (17)
Riku (18)
Abby and Davis (19)
Ash (20)
Fell (23)
Michael and Ennard (28) (Ennard counts their waking date as their birthday and it was sometime after Micheal was born)

Zodiac signs:
Ash: Sagittarius
Fell: Taurus (headcanon)
Davis: Cancer
Abby: Gemini
Tom: Scorpio (headcanon)
Michael: Cancer (headcanon)
Ennard: N/A (non applicable)
Riku: Pisces (headcanon)
Todoroki: Capricorn
Sollux: Gemini


Abby: she/they (is fine being referred as a boi)
Fell: he/him & they/them
Sollux: he/him
Ash: he/him
Michael: he/him & they/them
Ennard (both forms): they/them (but is fine being referred to as a boi)
Riku: he/him
Tom: he/they
Todoroki: he/him
Davis: he/him & they/them


Sollux, and Todoroki are bisexual
Tom is pansexual
Riku, Fell, and Ash are gay
Michael and Ennard are aroace
Davis and Abby are straight


Abby is the shortest being 5'0
Sollux is 5'6
Todoroki is 5'7
Tom and Michael are 5'8
Ash is 6'3
Fell and Davis are 6'5.5 (6 feet 5 and 1/2)
Riku is 6'6 (I refuse to believe that he's 5 foot 10)
Ennard is the tallest being 8'5

Powers and Abilities (mostly canon):
Ash: Earth and Nature (the earth holder in Asteria)
Fell: Gaster blasters, bone summoning (like how it is in the game), and a pyrokanisis ability that allows him to wield fire and use his blood to create a blaze (the fire is a headcanon)
Davis: telekenisis with a small portion of mind control
Abby: sun guardian, she can cast spells that revolve around the sun, has physical enhancements, can control the fire and light element, and some space like abilities
Tom: has shadow demon-like abilities due to a possession (headcanon, possession is canon)
Michael: has semi-demonic powers that gives him wings and claws and puppeteer like stings that can control movements, grab things and people, carry things, rip things apart, the whole shpeal
Ennard: was given a small portion of Michael's powers, who can now use a human disguise and has a special healing power for Michael (to prevent further rotting)
Riku: Keyblade welder and is the current master and can use a variety of elemental magic
Todoroki: half hot half cold. Can produce fire on his left side and ice on his right side
Sollux: psionic, which gives him telekinesis as well as using his abilities to shoot lasers out of his eyes (though for my headcanon he doesn't use it as much as that can damage his sight)

Their roles:
Ash: the leader
Fell: second in command
Davis: third in command
Abby: healer
Sollux and Michael: techy and strategists
Riku and Tom: the power houses
Ennard: the heart of the group
Todoroki: the back support

Strongest to weakest:

Duos in the group:
Sollux and Abby
Michael and Davis
Ennard and Riku
Tom and Todoroki
Ash and Fell

Ash, Fell, and Davis (dubbed as the big three)
Abby, Sollux, and Tom (dubbed as the idiotic trio)
Michael, Sollux, and Riku (dubbed as the nerds or smarties)
Ennard, Abby, and Sollux (dubbed as the children XD)

Cooks of the house:

What they do in the kitchen:
Davis, Michael, and Riku cook
Ash and Fell handle the coffee
Abby and Sollux wash the dishes
Ennard, Tom, and Todoroki handle the prep work

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Apr 26 ⏰

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