Chapter 1: A Tense Reunion

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Hey, everyone! Welcome to the new book. I'm excited to start this journey with you all, and I promise I'll be open to all your comments and won't get annoyed. Feel free to share your thoughts as much as you want; I won't hold it against anyone. I apologize for the hiatus; I've been dealing with a lot lately, battling depression and anxiety. It's been tough, especially since my uncle passed away last year. He was incredibly close to me, and his absence weighs heavily on my heart. But let's dive into this book!

This chapter delves into the tense return to Hogwarts for Y/N Weasley and Draco Malfoy. The start of the school year reignites the longstanding animosity between their families, burdening them as they navigate familiar hallways. Their initial encounter is fraught with tension, neither able to conceal their disdain for the other.

As I walked through the halls, I couldn't shake the desire to just get this school year over with. The memories of past traumas haunted me, filling my nights with unending nightmares. With the recent passing of my older brother Fred, even the simplest things, like celebrating April Fools' Day, feel impossible as it coincides with his birthday. Grief has left me paralyzed, unable to find solace in anything because I miss him so terribly. My heart aches for his twin, George, who is struggling with his loss. The pain is overwhelming, and there have been moments where I've teetered on the edge, almost succumbing to the darkness. But I know hurting myself would only compound the pain for my family, especially my mom, Molly, who has already endured so much loss.

I had hoped Draco wouldn't acknowledge me, but he did, spewing his usual insults. "Hey, look, it's the blood traitor," he sneered. "Shut up, Malfoy," I snapped back, my patience worn thin. "The only reason you're talking to me is because you're a selfish asshole who can't leave people alone. So just leave me alone, you piece of crap," I spat, no longer willing to tolerate his taunts.

Draco, true to form, couldn't resist the opportunity to belittle me further. "Well, well, well, if it isn't the epitome of Gryffindor bravery hurling insults from behind a mask of cowardice," he sneered. "Your attempt at intimidation is rather pitiful. But fear not, I shall graciously grant your wish and leave you to wallow in your own mediocrity," he added before striding away, leaving me to stew in my anger.

I rolled my eyes, feeling the weight of my grief bearing down on me. The ache for Fred, who always knew how to bring light into the darkest of moments, consumes me. I hate how much I miss him, and the nightmares of his death plague my every thought. I've kept these struggles hidden, afraid of judgment from others. But the burden is becoming too heavy to bear alone, and I fear I may never find peace from the guilt of not being able to save him.

I kept to myself, but Draco always found a way to be rude and call me names like "blood traitor" and "fake pureblood." It was infuriating, and I was getting increasingly annoyed with it all. However, I knew I had to deal with it and be someone who wasn't afraid to stand up for themselves. I had to grow up and be an adult, even though we weren't adults yet. Dealing with rude people always made my day worse, and it felt like there was nothing I could do about it. It sucks so much, and I hate it.

It's heartbreaking when Draco constantly brings up my brother's death. He came up and said, "Ah, yes, your dear brother Fred Weasley, always causing mischief and chaos wherever he goes. A shame he didn't inherit even a fraction of the cunning and ambition that runs in the Malfoy bloodline." I couldn't hold back my anger any longer.

"You know what, Draco? I hate you so much that I want those words to be etched on my gravestone. Fred is gone, and your incessant reminders only add to the pain. Stop bringing it up over and over again. I'm done with your hurtful nonsense. Cut it out; it's not funny anymore," I said firmly, my voice trembling with emotion.

"So stop talking about it. And just so you know, your nickname is changed to the one you hate: 'Ferret.' Since Mad-Eye Moody did turn you into one, you kinda deserved that one," I retorted, my frustration boiling over. "Oh, how original, resorting to childish insults. But do carry on if it makes you feel better about yourself. As for the nickname, 'Ferret,' it's hardly original, and certainly not as clever as you seem to think. But by all means, continue to grasp at straws while I continue to rise above such petty nonsense."

To be continued this one took about one 934words all together it is words In the story and I wrote this super fast I hope you enjoyed it I will be writing a few more chapters for this one until I'm done with this one then I will be writing another one that is another Harry Potter one but it won't be draco malfoy one it would be a different one and I will be posting every Tuesday Thursday Friday and sometimes Sunday and I will be posting about 11:00 a.m. and sometimes later so. I will be posting a schedule soon for them so you can know when I am going to be posting every single month. The total number of words in this was 950.

Entwined Hearts: A Draco Malfoy x Y/N Weasley Enemies to Lovers FanfictionМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя