Chapter 2: Forced Cooperation

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The second chapter focuses on an unexpected project that pairs Y/N and Draco together, much to their dismay. Despite their reluctance, they set aside their differences to complete the task at hand. However, their mutual dislike only intensifies with each passing day. Yet, amidst the arguments and disagreements, they begin to glimpse beneath each other's facades, discovering hidden depths they never knew existed.

"Ugh, why did Snape pair me with you out of everyone in this class? He should know by now that a Gryffindor and a Slytherin don't work together at all," I said in anger. "Ah, yes, blame it all on poor old Snape, why don't you? Because, clearly, it couldn't possibly be because you lack the intellect to keep up with anyone else in the class. But by all means, continue to live in your little Gryffindor fantasy where everything revolves around your precious bravery," Draco retorted. "I hate you so much," I said, seething with frustration. "Ah, the feeling is entirely mutual, I assure you. But I do hope you realize that your hatred does little to affect me. In fact, it's rather amusing to witness the extent of your futile emotions."

"Ugh, so half-and-half, right? We both do half of it, or else one of us is going to do all of it, and last time I did that, I had to stay up for a whole week to do it, and never will I ever do that again," I said, exasperated." Fine, if it means avoiding another one of your melodramatic tirades, I suppose I can tolerate the idea of splitting the work. But let's make one thing clear: this doesn't mean we're suddenly best mates. It's merely a practical arrangement to prevent a repeat of your previous disaster," I added, trying to maintain a sense of composure. "Ok, how about you stay up for a week and see how you feel, asshole," Draco retorted with a sneer. "My dear, I'm afraid I have far more important things to occupy my time with than indulging in your petty challenges. Unlike you, I prefer to use my time wisely, not waste it on futile endeavors. But by all means, if you feel the need to prove your Gryffindor bravery through sleep deprivation, be my guest. Just don't come crying to me when you inevitably regret it," he continued, his tone dripping with disdain. "Do not call me your dear because I'm not your dear at all, you asshole. So don't call me that, you dick," I snapped, my patience wearing thin. "My apologies for the oversight. I wouldn't want to elevate you to a status you clearly don't deserve. Rest assured, I won't make that mistake again. Now, if you're quite finished with your outburst, shall we return to the matter at hand, or are you intent on continuing this tiresome display of Gryffindor bravado?" Draco replied coolly. "Ugh," I sighed in frustration, deciding it was best to walk away from him before I said something I'd regret.

I was furious and had no desire to deal with that jerk anymore. He wasn't the kind of person I wanted to hang out with, and I certainly didn't want to give Harry the impression that I was friends with someone like him. Plus, my brothers would kill me for hanging out with our enemy. But I couldn't help myself, so I decided to distract myself with someone who was super toxic and incredibly abusive.

At lunch, b/n stormed up to me, his voice sharp with accusation. "Y/N, WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" he yelled. Surprised, I replied, "Eating." His anger only escalated as he continued, "Don't play the dumb girl with me! I was told you had a conversation with our archenemy, Draco Malfoy. Are you a traitor, Y/N?" Shocked and hurt by his words, I responded defensively, "What are you talking about? Of course, I'm not a traitor."

Before I could comprehend what was happening, his hand connected with my cheek in a sharp slap, leaving me stunned. Then, he pushed me forcefully, causing me to stumble backward. As I tried to regain my balance, I saw Draco witnessing the entire ordeal, his expression a mix of concern and disapproval. Despite the shock and pain, I wasn't scared of what b/n might do next. The idea seemed ridiculous to me. I was raised to be fearless, unafraid of anyone or anything.

Suddenly, Draco stepped forward and grabbed b/n by the collar. "Don't you ever put your hands on her," he said firmly, his voice carrying a hint of warning. I was surprised he actually stood up for me, considering our complicated relationship—we were kind of friends, even though we were enemies in many ways. It left me feeling confused about his actions, given our history.

"b/n said, 'She's my girlfriend, and you don't get to tell me what to do. So if I want to hit on her, or hit her, or push her, I can do it because she has to do what I tell her to without complaining, because that's her job as a woman,'" he stated boldly, his words dripping with toxicity and misogyny. My stomach churned with a mixture of fear and disgust at his callous attitude towards me and his warped view of relationships.

Then I heard Draco say, "I don't care who she belongs to. She's a human being, so it's not your right to hit her or anything without her permission. Get your filthy hands off of her." His words cut through the tension like a knife, and I felt a surge of relief, knowing that someone was standing up for me.

b/n immediately told him to shut up because he didn't like what Draco said at all. His reaction only added to the unease in the air, amplifying the already palpable tension between us. I was scared that things would escalate into violence rapidly, and the thought of it sent shivers down my spine. I feared that no one would be able to intervene and stop the fight, and I dreaded the possibility of being blamed for the altercation, even though I had nothing to do with it. The tension in the air was suffocating, and I wished desperately for a way to diffuse the situation before it spiraled out of control. I was confused by Draco's possessive words, "Stay away from her. She's mine," and I couldn't understand why he felt the need to assert ownership over me. b/n was not happy with another man claiming me as theirs when I was his. Draco, even more furious than before, pulled me behind him, his protective stance showing his determination to keep me safe. Then, to my surprise, Draco kissed me right in front of b/n, and I gasped in shock. b/n exclaimed, "You can't just take my girlfriend like that!"

To be continued I might be posting a schedule of what days I'm going to be posting and what days I'm not going to be posting, but it's going to be a roughly around 1:00 p.m. or 2:00 p.m. on Tuesdays Thursdays and Fridays and sometimes Sunday, but I might post one on the other days, but we'll see what gets me and sometimes I might post two And there's going to be like a separate time like I might be posting this one at 3:00 and the other one might be posted at like 11:00 a.m. or p.m. and it is 950 in the story so it is a long one today and that's why I'm going to try making it longer but we'll see how it goes.  

Naabot mo na ang dulo ng mga na-publish na parte.

⏰ Huling update: Apr 04 ⏰

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Entwined Hearts: A Draco Malfoy x Y/N Weasley Enemies to Lovers FanfictionTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon