POEMS Part 4

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Can't You See I Love You

I want to be looked at, but you don't care,

I want to be held, but you won't touch me,

I want to be kissed, but you say it's fair,

I want to be loved, but you just can't see.

You want to be looked at, I always do,

You want to be held, I don't question why,

You want to be kissed, I'll touch you like dew,

You want to be loved; it's a ride or die.

You don't understand how much I love you,

You only see what you would like to see,

You don't know how I long for your love, too,

You don't see how I want to be set free.

We are better off on our own; it's true

But loving me is the least you could do.

One More Step

You say your hands are tied,

You say you are not capable,

You say you cannot help,

You say you don't know how.

Don't give up on yourself,

You have so much left to live for,

The fire in you has just started to burn,

And you can't give up on it.

You are a superstar,

You are a superhero,

You are everything you believe in,

You are unique.

The light is just ahead,

One more step, one more step,

Let the darkness fall behind you,

Do not look back.

Rise and Fall

To climb a single mountain is to fail,

To climb a hundred mountains is to fall,

To climb a thousand mountains is to win,

To climb a million is to fly.

Let the sun shine through the trees,

Let the moon be a torch to guide you,

Let the sun break open the leaves,

Let the moon give you hope for tomorrow.

Don't give up on the light,

Don't give up on the flight,

Before success,

Will come the fall.

Fall with grace,

Fall with hope,

Fall with joy,

Fall with wisdom.

Rise with caution,

Rise with determination,

Rise with persistence,

Rise with no mercy.


Trek eleven miles to save someone dear,

journey another ten to shed a tear.

Until you learn to conquer what you fear,

Until you learn to respect what is near.

Until you learn more than just who you are,

until you listen to more than your heart,

the prophecy and the stars in the jar,

will pull everything you care for apart.

Follow the darkness to get to the light,

follow the poison to win every fight.

Through the sun and moon will the darkness bite,

to fall down the mountain is to take flight.

Grant yourself freedom from limitations,

be in control of eliminations.


Trek eleven miles to save someone dear,

journey another ten to shed a tear.

Until you learn more than just who you are,

until you listen to more than your heart,

only then will you escape what you fear.

Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow

Yesterday was golden,

yesterday was good,

yesterday was nostalgic,

yesterday is forever gone.

Today is precious,

today is melancholy,

today is unwanted,

today is forever here.

Tomorrow is longed for,

tomorrow is perfect,

tomorrow is dreamed of,

tomorrow will never come.




Yesterday was too late,

today is on time,

tomorrow is undetermined.

Yesterday's opportunities are gone,

today presents many new chances,

to make tomorrow better.

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