One Bad Thing Leads To A Good Thing...

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A/N: This'll be rushed. I just need to get to the point of the story while also needing a little cut of the backstory, so...

It was another regular day. Courtney was walking through the buzzing, crowded halls of Ridgemont High, along with her boyfriend, Scott. Courtney and Scott only had one problem, not in their relationship, but rather a problem with another student--

Duncan Tarun. Duncan, as you all know, is a delinquent. He is also somewhat of a heartthrob at the school, yet a player. 

As the two lovebirds walk, content with a little conversation, someone swiftly came up behind the both of them and pushed Courtney down, hard. She fell to the ground with a thud, dropping the books that were in her hands. Scott immediately rushes down to help her. Duncan laughs at the sight. "Oh man, what a great way to start my morning! Two dweebs, one on the ground. Priceless!" Duncan remarks sarcastically, still sniggering. "You're a jerk, Duncan! Just scram already!" Scott says angrily, helping Courtney back up. She dusts herself off as Duncan walks away, laughing. Courtney shouts after him. "You're an insensitive jerk, you know that?!" This catches Duncan's attention. He's never had anyone talk back or yell. He turns back around. "What did you just say, dweeb?" He threatens, walking back to her. Courtney remarks--

"What are you, deaf?! I said, you're an insensitive jerk, who thinks his piercings make him look cool! When really, they just divert attention away from your lack of personality and smarts!" 

Duncan scoffs, and grabs her by the collar.

"I think you'd better keep your pretty mouth shut, princess."

"Don't call me that, you obnoxious idiot!"

The two keep arguing until Scott shoves Duncan away. Scott and Courtney walk off, while Duncan scowls.

A month passes. Courtney and Scott have grown distant and have seemed to argue a lot more than usual. Every time they'd get into a fight, Scott would disappear for a day or so. This seemed quite strange, so one day, she decides to follow him. Scott surprisingly goes to a park. She wonders what he could possibly be doing there. "Was it just a relaxing stroll?"  She tried to reassure herself. He gets there, and meets up with Dawn, of all people. What followed was inevitable. He kissed Dawn. Courtney was absolutely speechless. After a minute or so, she rushes up to them and lashes out at the two.

"How could you?!" She bawled. "I hate you, I hate you!"

Scott was taken aback by the sudden yell, pulling away from Dawn. He wasn't aware of her presence. He thought about covering it up, but decided to just rip the bandaid off. 

"Look, you were okay and all, but I got bored of these ridiculous and unnecessary fights!"

"'Okay'...? I was... 'okay'!? Do you know how much effort I've put into this relationship?! And- And then you just... go ahead and kiss- some girl?!"

"It's basically your fault Duncan's always on our damn backs all the time! You carried your stupid middle school drama in here, and I'm sick of it! So we're done!"

"That's just it..?!"

"Yeah, that's it, 'babe'."

"I hate you.." She says, tears welling up in her onyx eyes. She walks off, completely heartbroken.

She's walking home down the deserted and empty street, tears in her eyes until she bumps into someone. "Ow! Damn it.. S-sorry," she says, getting up. It was Duncan. He was about to push her down or give her an angry remark, but he saw hear tear-filled face. In a moment of vulnerability, he asks her. "You okay?" It's unusual for him to care.

She looks up at him, then quickly down again. She didn't want her own enemy to see her as vulnerable as she is now. "I'm fine, Duncan. Now leave me alone, I have t-things to do," she says in a hushed but stern tone. "No, you're not 'fine', princess. What's got you so down?" he asks, a hint of real concern in his voice. "It's... Scott," she replies. He sighs. "What'd that douchebag do?", he asks, a bare sliver of concern in his voice. She answers, in a broken tone of voice,

"He- He kissed Dawn."

"He did what?!"

Another tear falls down her cheek. She hurriedly wipes it off, looking down at the rough cement beneath them. She explains everything that's been happening lately. He tries not to care so much, but... he does. He does? Since when did Duncan Tarun, of all people, care? He rolls his eyes and scoffs in an attempt to cover his lame feelings. 

"Well, maybe he wasn't worth it."

"But I--"

He cuts her off. "No 'buts' princess. So, how do you plan to deal with... that?" He asks, referring to Scott.

She gives him a confused glare, "Huh?"

"What, you just gonna let him cheat on you and not do anything about it?"

"I suppose not necessarily..."

"C'mon! You gotta do something. Do you want him to feel like he won?"

"No..." She sniffles. Suddenly, she gets an idea. Her eyes perk up and she looks at him. 

"I-I think I've got something in mind."

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