Plotting, Scheming...

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I decided to take a walk in the park to cool off. My hands were in my pockets. I spotted the store that I always buy my cigarettes from. Perfect. I smirk and start walking in the direction of the store, when I bump into Little Miss Perfect. My temper flared as I was already in a bad enough mood because of that... minor  fight I had with her this morning. I opened my mouth to yell something snarky and mean, when I notice the tears running down her face. Somehow, I felt... concerned. Since when do I care? 

"You okay?" I ask. For a moment, I question myself. What am I even doing?

She quickly nods her head. "I'm fine, Duncan. Now leave me alone, I have t-things to do," she blurts out. Her tone is pretty quiet, firm, yet shaky.

She didn't fool me. "No, you're not 'fine', princess. What's got you so down?"

I guess she gave in.

"It's... Scott," she says, her words coming out in a mumble.

"What'd that douchebag do?"

She explained everything to me. Not gonna lie, I'd leave her alone if I didn't hate Scott this much already. But I'm on anyone else's side as long as it isn't Scott, that's for sure. I'd never admit it out loud, but I felt sorry for her. Did I seriously just say that?

"So, how do you plan to deal with... that?" I wonder. She'd better do something.

She just glared at me, a bit confused, I might add. "Huh?"

"What, you just gonna let him cheat on you and not do anything about it?"

"I suppose not necessarily..." 

God, even the way she talks is so prim and proper. "C'mon! You gotta do something. Do you want him to feel like he won?"

"No..." she shakes her head, sniffling. Pretty sure she got a 'Eureka' moment, or something. She had a specific look on her face. I wasn't about to complain, though. To be honest, I was just now noticing how she didn't look half bad. Did I just say that? Her eyes perked up at me.

"I-I think I have something in mind," she guesses as she looks up at me with a slight sliver of hope.

"That's more like it. What is it then, princess?" I've got that same traditional smirk I always have. I call it the... yeah.. never mind. I'm still working on the name, but it's my signature smirk, alright?

"Date me."

"Hold your horses, princess, what did you just-"

"Wait, wait! Nothing serious! It's just so Scott'll get jealous and lose his mind. Like a... fake dating thing."

"Hey, you know what, that ain't half bad. You aren't such a goody-two-shoes now, are ya?"

Pretty good plan, if I do say so myself. I almost forgot that I was the bad boy here, not her. And frankly, it was a little insulting.


Duncan and me? Yeah, right! As if! I'm so sure. Not in a million years. Please! When pigs fly. This is completely for the sake of getting back at Scott. Purely vengeance.

"First and foremost, we need to work on how we were gonna play it out."

He cleared his throat, interrupting me. Typical. "First and foremost," he mocked. My temper flared at his incompetence. "-You need to quit all that fancy schmancy talk, princess," he adds rudely. What a tease! He always gets on my damn nerves, doesn't he just quit the tough guy act?!

My scowl deepens. "Be serious, neanderthal!"

"Whatever. So, what's the plan, heist meister?" Still teasing.

"Try using yours ears and listening for a change. Here's the deal, we openly start to fake date for a few weeks, just so that Scott and everyone else'll believe it. Once they do, we can just... pretend it never happened. Capisce?"

"Sounds good."


I ended up here, how? No idea. Maybe it won't be so bad. I mean, the plan was simple. Just... date the nerd for a few weeks-- fake date, I mean... Fake date the nerd for a few weeks, get back at Scott, then all is well!

After a bit of talk, we were... "official", for the sake of a few weeks. I turned to leave the park, giving her a back-handed wave.

"Later, princess."

She waved back at me. She had the same warm, pretty smile she always- Wait, what am I saying?

I headed for the store to finally get my cigarettes. They were out. Damn it. I scoff, placing my hands in my pockets and leave. What a waste of time...


As Courtney walked home, her bag straps slung over on both of her shoulders, she felt a bit worried, yet excited to see the look on Scott's face once he realizes that Duncan and her were a thing. "Was 'dating' Duncan gonna be so bad?" She thought to herself. 

The next day at school, Courtney once again walked along the buzzing hallway of Ridgemont, her messenger bag strap slung over her right shoulder. She had just entered the school building, and is heading for her locker. Class would start in about 30 minutes. Early as always.

Duncan leans against the rough wall. He was in the same hall as her. He had a rather annoyed scowl on his face as he crossed his arms. He glances across the hall, seeing Courtney. He raises an eyebrow and smirks. He makes his way over to her, tapping her shoulder.

"Hey, princess." His hands were in his pockets.

She turns around to him and cracks a tiny warm smile, glancing at his face. Her eyes dart over his very noticeable piercings

"Hi!" She seemed more open to him than the day before. I mean, it wasn't unusual. They weren't exactly enemies anymore... at the very least, not until after this whole scheme. They hated each other outside of all this, and it would stay that way.

"So..." He chuckles before continuing. "Where's Scotty-boy anyway, huh?"
She glances around for a bit, and spots Scott on the other side of the hall. "Oh, there he is!"

He looks over. "Cool. Now what? Just act like we're some lovey-dovey, fancy schmancy couple right after we fought? Like he'll believe that. Not so much for a smart nerd like you, isn't- OW!"

He exclaimed in response to her hitting him in the back of the head. She glares at him.

"The hell was that for??"

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⏰ Last updated: May 24 ⏰

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