Chapter 1 || a day NOT to be forgotten.

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I hit the alarm clock, causing it to stop beeping. "Ughhhh, I have school today."

I get up and walk to the kitchen. "Morning, mom, is breakfast ready?" I ask, my eyes groggy, dried drool on the bottom of my mouth.


I finish my breakfast and get dressed. I put on a black twenty one pilots blurry face shirt, jeans, and a black flannel jacket.
(Pretend he brushed his teeth and all that)


I wake up to the sound of my aunt screaming, "GET THE FUCK UP!"

I get up, get dressed, and brush my teeth. I don't care about eating breakfast, I just wanna get out of this hellhole of a house.
I walk to the bus stop and see, Nico, my best friend.
I walk up to him, "hey, Nico!" I lightly smile at him.
"Hey, Alex!!" He grins.



I sit on the bus, until I get a text from my dad.

DAD: tell your brother if he doesn't get his grades up, there's gonna be a consequence.

MAY: dad! No, you can't!!

DAD:: I will.


I sit in class, my head in my hands. Until I hear the irritating voice of my math teacher. "Miss Matthew's? Pick your head up."

I pick my head up, and look at the board.



I tap on my desk with a pencil, I just wanna go to music class and play the drums. *RING* *RING* finally! Math class is over!! I despise math class. It sucks, it's hard, I hate it, so so so so so so so so so so so so so much!!!!
SPEAKER: can we have Nico Matthew's, to the office?
"He's coming down!" Mrs. West says.

I walk down to the office my book bag hanging off from my shoulder. There's sweat dripping down my face. I'm clutching my backpack straps. I feel my hands get sweaty, and I finally make it to the office. "Hello, Mrs. Wayne. Am I in trouble?"

"Calm down, Nico. Your not in trouble, your father just called and said he wants to talk to you." Mrs. Wayne says reassuringly. 

I take the phone from her hands and press the numbers, (516)-330-8974. I grip the phone, waiting for my dad to answer. He answers. "Hey, dad. What did you want to tell me?" I play with the phone string.

"IF YOU DONT GET YOUR FUCKING GRADES UP THERE WILL BE CONSEQUENCES!!" I jump back from the booming of his voice, even the teacher does too.

"Dad, I'm at school. Please, stop yelling." I mumble.


"Nico, come on, we're going to the beach!!" I smile.

Nico's mother was grateful enough to bring us to the beach. But the downside is, it's not just may, Annabelle, and Nico's mom, it's also Nico's dad.
Me and Nico walk down to the bathrooms and changing rooms. I'm already in my shorts, but Nico's not.
I wait for him outside the building. Scrolling on Timehop. "Alex, I'm ready." I look at him and....blush. He doesn't see it though, thank god. I would be dead meat, by his dad, of course.

We walk down to the beach, looking around at the little kids playing in the ocean, their parents either reading a book or watching them.

We make it down to the beach. My mother says we could go in the water, so we do. We run down to the ocean, sand kicking behind our feet. The smell of the ocean breeze gets stronger and stronger, until we make it to the ocean. We swim in the water. But that takes a turn for the worse. Nico swims so far, a wave hits him. Not a little wave, a big wave.


The wave hits me. I try to find Alex, tears filling my eyes. I scream, but no one can here. I kick, but no one can see. I thrash, but no one can feel. Until, I give up.




I can't take it anymore.

I'm going to die either way.

Air leaves my body, I float up to the surface, my back facing the sky. My sight goes blank. My hearing gets quieter and quieter and quieter. Until, I pass out.


I feel something on my body....hands.
Nico's hands.
Then I hear yelling, and the hands go away.

Hope you all liked the chapter. Mores coming soon!! <333

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28 ⏰

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