New person📍same routine

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4044 words

No ones Pov

"You've hired a new bodyguard?" Edith spoke to his parents with his head in a tilt.

"Yes, sweetie, it's for the better and to ensure safety." Edith's mother explains.

"But who is the bodyguard for mama? Don't you and dad have like million bodyguards already?" Edith asked, oblivious to the fact that his parents hired him another bodyguard as the last one quit after 2 months.

"You Edith, we hired him to keep you safe from any harm." Edith's mother placed her hands on each side of her sons shoulders.

"And he should be here any minute to take you to a new location, a location we pick out that is very safe. He will be with you at all times, son." Edith's father spoke.

"Oh, would that be why I packed?" Edith piece it together. "I thought maybe we were going on a trip of some sort." He shrugged and started feeling quite anxious that he's going with a complete stranger to somewhere he had no idea where it was.

"With four suitcases and a bag?" His mother questioned with a smile.

Edith nodded, it seem normal for him to bring four suitcases on a trip.

As he thought they were going on a trip and not that he'd be moving, he let his thoughts flutter through his head. Edith wondered his way into his parents' massive living room and plobbed down on the couch, not bothering to hear his parents talk to each other.

Ediths Pov

I looked at the TV to see the news was on, and the reporter was talking about gang activity and nearby forests that held dangerous creatures. The reporter also spoke about deaths and murders related to the subjects.

I yawned, bored and not knowing what to do so I took several deep breathes to try and calm myself and I also stared at the ceiling for what felt like 10 minutes, thinking about what my new room will look like, and then eventually I took my phone out and played a game until I was called by my dad to come to the large staircase by the entrance. I slid my phone into my pocket and slid my way to where my dad was. I had socks on, and the floor was marble, so I easily slid. Once I made it close enough to my dad, I noticed someone unfamiliar. I took one last big slide, but I didn't make it, I slipped and fell on my butt. I made and "oof." noised as I hit the ground.

I looked up, seeing my mom smiling and my dad shaking his head. I quickly got up onto my feet and looked at my parents.

"What is it you need?" I asked curiosities, my hands on my side tapping my thights.

I watched my mom and dad sigh. My dad brought his hands up and gestured towards the stranger that stood in front of them. I looked over at the stranger and tilted my head, still not sure what's happening. I looked back at my parents', confused.

"Edith sweetie, do you remember what we told you a little while ago?" My mom looked at me.

"About the bodyguard? Ohhh, would that be him?" I looked over and smiled at him.

"Yes, sweetie, that would be him. Are you ready to go? He's already taken your luggage to the van outside."

"Will I get to see you guys still?" I questioned.

"Of course you will. You can call us whenever you'd like to." My mom laughed.

I walked up to the both of them and gave them a hug each, saying my goodbyes and eventually turning around to look at my new bodyguard.

"Mr. Klass, are you ready to leave?" The stranger asked.

"Call me Edith, please, and yes." I smiled and waved at my parents one last time and walked to the stranger nervously. He started to walk toward the door, so I did, too, once more, saying goodbye to my parents as the door closed. We walked side by side until he walked towards the driver's side and got in, I walked to the passenger side, opened the door, and sat down. He put the car in drive and turned around in the very large driveway.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10 ⏰

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