i can't catch a break

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Evangeline was feeling overwhelmed with schoolwork. With exams approaching, assignments piling up, and her grades slipping, she was feeling the weight of it all bearing down on her. To make matters worse,  Bella seemed to always be around, constantly pestering her with questions and distractions when all she wanted was some peace and quiet to focus.

One day, Evangeline's mates noticed her stress levels were through the roof. They could see the exhaustion in her eyes and knew they had to do something to help. They gathered together and came up with a plan to get Bella off Evangeline's back so that she could have some much-needed time to study and get her grades back on track.

The next day at school, Evangeline's mates swooped in and took Bella aside. They explained to her how important it was for Evangeline to focus on her schoolwork without any distractions and asked her to give Evangeline some space for the next few weeks leading up to exams. Bella, didn'tlisten but she agreed to back off and let Evangeline have the peace and quiet she needed to succeed.

With Bella out of the picture, Evangeline was able to buckle down and focus on her studies. With the support and encouragement of her father, she was able to catch up on her assignments, study for her exams, and improve her grades just in time for the end of the semester.

Thanks to her mates' intervention, Evangeline was able to overcome her stress and excel academically. She learned the importance of setting boundaries and asking for help when needed, and her matess proved once that they will always be there for her

Evangeline always wondered if she had soulmates, but she thought they wouldn't want her. What she doesn’t know is that she will find out who they are very soon. Alice already predicted it

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 04 ⏰

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