Silent Remorse

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The next morning you woke up a little later than usual, to multiple missed text messages, and some notifications from Coonstagram as well. You wiped the sleepiness from your eyes as you unlocked your phone, and opened up the Coonstagram app.

You'd seen the picture of you, Bebe, and Wendy which you'd taken before leaving to the party in your bathroom. There were also the group photos posted by Clyde, as well as a few other photos that the girls had taken with each other, or of themselves at the party.

Refreshing the feed, you'd noticed a video that was uploaded by Eric Cartman. The caption of it Crazy Bitches FIGHT @ Tolkien's Party!!! The thumbnail of the video was very clearly a still image of moments before the fight between you and the brunette girl from the North Park Cheer Squad.

"H-Hey, Y/N? I don't HAH-! Know if you're a-awake but C-craig and I are going o-out. Please s-stay safe!" Tweek had called out from the other side of your door, not opening it to respect your privacy.

"Have fun cousin, you be safe too!" You called out to Tweek from your bed, and you heard him tread down the stairs and out the front door. Seems like you had the house to yourself today. Well, not quite... you recalled you needed to go back down to the lair and interrogate that son of a bitch that you kinda' kidnapped.

You then looked at your missed text messages.

Stan 💨: Hey, you doing alright today?

Y/N 🎀: Honestly my head fuckin' hurts LOL. You make really strong drinks. I'm good though!

Stan 💨: I mean, I was referring to the fight... Saw it on Coonstagram...

Y/N 🎀: Ooooh... Yeah, I'm good! Just a few scratches and bruises.

Stan 💨: Remind me to not get on your bad side. You're terrifying when mad!

Y/N 🎀: 👊

You had a missed message from ✨ Sparkles

Wendy 🌸: I'm cancelling cheer practice tomorrow. If the boys like the North Park Cheerleaders soooo much better, then they can have North Park cheer for them. 🙄

Bebe 💋: Honestly, bitch fuck those guys. We don't need to raise them money for them to treat us like this. I can't believe they gave in to those North Park Hoes.

Y/N 🎀: Agreed. They'd hate it if they had a taste of their own medicine, seriously.

Bebe 💋: Damn, Y/N I fucking saw that fight on Coonstagram you GO girl, get that bitch off your man!

Y/N 🎀: Nah, he's pissed at me. I don't think he wants to be my man 🤧

Wendy 🌸: I doubt it, Kyle can't stay mad at someone for that long. Besides, you're a hell of a girl, I'll be damned if he let you get away!

Scrolling through your missed messages, you decided to read the one from Butters.

Butters 🍔: I took the liberty of interrogating the problem for you. He was more than willing to talk for me today.

Y/N 🎀: Sorry, I was going to get there today to go do that! I really appreciate you helping, did you hear anything good?

Butters 🍔: I would rather update you in person than over the phone. My chaos minion told me how much trouble he gave you when trying to talk, so I took matters into my own hands.

Y/N 🎀: Honestly you're scaring me. Did you hurt him?

He didn't reply to that message, so you decided you'd stretch out of bed and get ready for today. You didn't have any plans now that Butters had taken care of Josh for you, and sounds like he got some information out of him too, so that was already some stress relief. You figured you'd go take a shower, wash yourself, and tend to the wounds on your forearms and see about the ones on your face as well. You could've easily healed them with your healing ability, but... after careful consideration that might make you suspicious.

Brewing Romance (Kyle x Reader) South ParkDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora