chapter 1

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Chapter 1: Trapped Together

Al's pov

It was a bustling day in Adventure Bay, with the Paw Patrol pups gearing up for another day of action-packed rescues and adventures. Rocky and I, are the odds within the team we argued everywhere

Me and Rubble heard of a rundown building and want to explore it I wanted to see the inside and Rubble wanted outside he just "HAD" to bring rocky

As we ventured into a rundown building to investigate reports of structural instability, tension hung thick in the air between Rocky and me. "Why did you want to go here it's old." Rocky said insulting for it's cobwebs and dust" "IT'S COOL IT'S NOT MY FAULT YOUR LIKE A DRIVING AWARD THAT MEAN'S SPEEDING TICKET BECAUSE NO ONE WANTS ONE" I snapped back rocky looked at me like I just murder his relatives Suddenly Our past clashes and disagreements loomed large, making cooperation feel like an impossible feat.

But then fate intervened.

When we hollered "YOU JUST DON'T GET ME" We stomp as hard we could then a sudden rumble reverberated through the walls, sending clouds of dust billowing around us. Before we could react, a section of the corridor collapsed, blocking our only exit and trapping us inside.

"We're stuck," Rocky's voice broke the silence, his tone tinged with resignation.

I nodded, mirroring his apprehension. "Looks like it," I replied, my voice tight with uncertainty.

Silence settled between us, broken only by the distant sounds of our fellow pups working tirelessly to free us. Minutes stretched into hours as Rocky and I grappled with the reality of our situation.

"Well never thought we'd end up like this, huh?" Rocky finally spoke, his voice echoing softly in the confined space. "Hopefully this won't be a RUFF day

I shrugged, unable to hide the trace of a smile and child. "Funny"

Eventually we started going back and forth, not with mean words but things about life we actually get along I feel like I been thinking he was a criminal when he was just misunderstood

"It really sucks that we're in someplace that's the perfect place for a horror movie" I said though I realized that I not speaking trucker talk, Rocky chuckled, a hint of warmth in his tone. "Yeah, tell me about it. But hey, at least we're in this together, right?"

I nodded, feeling a sense of solidarity emerging between us. "Yeah, we are."

As the hours passed, conversation flowed more freely between us, punctuated by moments of laughter and shared memories. Rocky's humor proved to be a welcome distraction from the claustrophobia threatening to overwhelm us, while I found myself opening up more than I ever thought I would.

"You know," Rocky said suddenly, his tone more serious, "I never really thought to say this before, but I'm glad we're on the same team, Al."

I looked at him, surprised by the sincerity in his eyes. "Yeah, me too, Rocky. Me too."

And in that moment, amidst the rubble and uncertainty, Rocky and I forged a bond that transcended our past differences – a bond born out of adversity and strengthened by the realization that, together, we were stronger than we ever could have been alone. And when we got out I looked at rocky and felt it

The beginning of a UNEXPECTED BOND

(I had a chatgpt help with the chapter so most of the story thank chatgpt)

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 04 ⏰

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