The Delgotto Brothers

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Wyatt tapped his pen on his desk knowing that the last interview of the day was about to begin.

Holden and Colt were just as bored as they arm wrestled in the corner of the office, not paying attention to their elder triplet.

Wyatt, always the professional, watched his younger brothers battle til the break of sweat before a tapping came at the door.


Wyatt motioned for his brothers to straighten up and gather with him at his desk, one standing at attention at each side of him.

They were tall, muscular and handsome. Triplets yes, but not identical, and definitely harboring their own personalities.

Wyatt was the leader, Holden was the fiery, flirtatious middle child and Colt was the baby, always aiming to please.

"Miss Lucy Winters," Edgar announced as the bubbly, smiling, beautiful, curvaceous bouncing blonde came through their door like a wrecking ball.

All three Delgotto brothers gasped.

They'd found their mate.

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