chapter 1: first hours

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A black dust swirled around the figure, a chilling wind whipping at the tattered school uniform that barely concealed its form. Disoriented, it pushed itself upright, the sting of a forgotten pain flickering across its face. then, a booming voice echoed through the empty place, vibrating the very bones of the person.

"My apologies, unexpected guest," the voice rumbled. "My calculations were... flawed, and your demise was unforeseen. To rectify this error, I offer you a return. to your world."

The person widened his eyes as he finally remembered what had happened before he ended up in this strange place. "A return?" the figure rasped. "Back to my... already ruined life?"

A flicker of surprise, or perhaps amusement, rippled from the unseen entity. "It is your home nonetheless."

"Home?" the figure scoffed. "Dignity, that was my home. A life of purpose. Not the pathetic existence I was ripped from!"

Silence descended, thick and heavy. The booming voice returned, tinged with a hint of frustration.

"Very well. Perhaps a new existence is in order. A world brimming with potential. As a token of... appeasement, I shall grant you two wishes."

The figure considered this with an unsettling silence. Then, a slow, cold, and calculating smile seemed to spread across the person's face.

"What are you, a geine, a god?" the person scoffed.

"Close enough, but no. I am far more powerful than any genie or god you could imagine," the figure replied with a hint of amusement. "Choose wisely, for your wishes will shape your new existence."

"Ok then?" "For my first wish, I desire the power to create—no, to summon everything from the remnants of my world, to materialize them at will."

"Hmm." The entity hummed, with a low vibration in the air. "A curious choice, but granted. And your second wish?"

"Knowledge. The knowledge to utilize these... things from my world, to understand their function, and perhaps even control them by will."

"Very well," the figure responded. "Your second wish is granted. But remember, the power to create and the knowledge to use it can bring both blessings and consequences. Are you sure you won't do anything stupid with this power?"

A tense silence stretched between them. The person seemed to contemplate the power of the figure's words, which was undeniable. Finally, a grudging acceptance filled the air.

The entity hesitated for a moment then accepted his wish: "Very well. Your wishes are granted. But remember, guest, power comes at a cost. whatever world you're going to be thrown into is at random and not without its own challenges."

The person nodded humbly, understanding the weight of the entity's warning. With a deep breath, he braced himself for the unknown journey ahead, ready to face whatever challenges may come their way.


He woke up, feeling the grass beneath him and the warm sun on his face, realizing he was in a completely different world. Getting annoyed by the sun , he shielded his eyes and looked around. Looking for a shady spot to escape the harsh sunlight, he spotted a large tree in the vast grassy distance and made his way towards it. He still has his clothes from before he was transposed into this world: a regular white shirt, blue jeans, and a pair of worn sneakers.

Finally, he reached the shade of the sprawling tree. Collapsing gratefully onto the cold grass, he let out a shabby breath. The memory of his exchange with the booming voice flickered back, a cold spark in his mind.

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