chapter 2: picking my first quest

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The sun dipped below the horizon, painting the sky in fiery hues of orange and red. Exhaustion gnawed at Ivan's bones as they finally reached the outskirts of the capital city. One day of travel with the Ragtag group had been an eye-opening experience. He'd learned a lot about their world—a world filled with magic, mythical creatures, and landscapes far grander than anything he'd ever seen back home.

But an equal part of him craved solitude. Traveling with a boisterous group, especially Eldarion and Elara, whose bickering never seemed to end, left him drained. He longed to explore this new world at his own pace, to experiment with his powers in secret.

As they approached the grand, imposing gates of the capital, Gareth, the leader, ordered Eldarion to put the carriage to a halt. "We'll be heading straight to an old friend of mine," he announced, his voice gruff but kind. "The Adventurers Guild is not far from the entrance; you can register there as an adventurer and take on quests if that's what interests you. Most newcomers do this to earn some coin and gain experience before venturing out on their own. It's a good way to get to know people and make connections with other travelers."

Ivan nodded as he got out of the carriage, followed by Elara, the elf. The idea of using his abilities to level up and carve out a place for himself in this strange new world held a certain appeal.

Eldarion, the high-ranking mage, poked his head out from the front of the carriage. A sly grin spread across his face as his gaze landed on Elara. "Looks like I win on our little wager, Elara. You're officially our young champion's guide through the capital."

Elara's emerald eyes narrowed. "Don't push your luck, Eldarion," she hissed, her voice laced with annoyance.

Eldarion chuckled, hearing her annoyance. "Just a bit of fun, my dear elf. Don't take it so personal. And also, don't do anything stupid with the kid."

"You!" Elara shot back, her voice sharp with anger. But before she could retaliate, Eldarion whipped the reins, urging the horses forward before Elara could retort.

"Hah hah hah ha! See ya!" Eldarion called out, his laughter echoing behind him as he rode ahead. Gareth on the other hand, simply settled back into his seat, seemingly unfazed by the bickering. The carriage lurched forward, leaving Ivan and Elara standing awkwardly at the entrance to the bustling capital city. Elara gritted her teeth, her hands balling into fists, as she watched them disappear into the distance. Elara cleared her throat, her cheeks flushed with a hint of pink.

"Well then," she began, her voice strained. "Shall we get started on this little tour?"

"Lead the way ," Ivan replied, acting like he hadn't heard the two of them arguing earlier.

After their stroll through the city, they got to the adventurers guild. There were already a few curious eyes on them; bringing a foreigner must be a rare sight in the city. Ivan thought as he noticed the whispers and stares directed their way. "Hi there, I can see that you're new here. Welcome to the Adventurers Guild. How may I help you?" one of the receptionists greeted them with a warm smile. She was a demi-human, with her features strikingly similar to those of a catgril wearing some kind of leather armor.

"My friend here wanted to register as an adventurer," Elara said, forcing a smile. This was her first time bringing a newcomer to the guild.

"Certainly," the receptionist chirped. "To register as an adventurer, we require a simple blood magic inscription on your new guild license. It acts as a verification of identity and allows us to track your progress by the time you finish a quest," the receptonist explained. "The process of reading your stats through your license won't take very long."

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