Lost and Found

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Chapter ~ 2

Alex Pov :

I was going in a park with my guards for some silence when I saw that girl again " coincidence ??" I asked myself.

I ordered my guards to go and get her.
They went to get her but ended up coming alone. I asked them in anger "what happened, where she " they respond in shiver " sh-she got away from u-us ". I said to them in a rage "you guys can't handle a single person even if she is a girl, she ran away from you , such ashamed on you".

I ordered josh and I told him to check every single detail of that girl and find her wherever she is.

"Wherever you go but in the end you'll be with me no matter what" I mutter myself.

Mia's Pov :

As I was catching my breath I was thinking of that scene again and again I was very horrified by that.

I decided not to leave my room for some days, to get some proper rest because some days later it's my next flight to Italy.

After some days I was boarding towards the Italy. I have a really strange dream of my past life as I was admiring someone in my past life " who could it be ?" I asked myself.

When I finally put my steps on the land of Italy it made me feel superb amazing, I quickly went to my room in the hotel which was next to seaside even I was scared of the sea but I try to be stay brave.

I went out to eat the famous pasta of the Italians which they made in front of us And it was so delicious like heavenly made. I was really enjoying my dish. After all it's my favorite dish.

After a while I found myself in the streets of Italy which were full of people, they all were enjoying the view and every single thing there and so did I.

I decided to go to the seaside, I wore my cutest dress and get there. As I was enjoying the view there I saw someone watching me from a distance it was a person who looks like a man from fairytale with perfect curly hair , tall height , muscular body.

I ignore him completely and went to my hotel when some people's got in my way to stop me. When I stop just for a single minute someone from behind came and picked me like a kid in the shoulders.

I started to scream like a kid but no one was there. My brain got puzzled because earlier there were many people here but now there is no person here except for that person who picked me. I got scared and when that person threw me in the seat.i saw an opportunity to run away and here I was running through the streets of Italy while when I was running I called someone and told that I want to book the flight for today as if I was trying to hide from someone.

Author's Pov :

Alex was in full rage when his right hand josh told him that "she had booked a random flight and she is going to a random place because it's a random flight and no one knows where the plane lands".

Alex was ordering his guards to "spread all over the world until you find her even in the forest or ocean".

Mia was sitting in the plane uncomfortablely because of what happened to her earlier. When she got out of the airport she hids her face from clothes and went straight to the hotel because of traveling again and again she changed her clothes and went to sleep.

After sometime josh told Alex that "they have found mia and she's in Korea, Seoul"

Alex went to his private jet and after some while he reached the Korea, Seoul.

He went straight to the hotel where she was sleeping peacefully and he was admiring her quietly. He was so lost in her seeing her pretty face and hour glass body.

He slowly patted her head and stepped a little back to get the perfect view of her.

✨"From love to loathing: A reincarnated Affair"✨Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt