Chapter 3

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Nico's POV:


I huffed as I was practically shoved into a window seat on the left side of the bus by Piper, who then quickly took a seat next to me, albeit a lot more gracefully.

'Alright lover boy-' I scrunched my nose. 'spill.'

'About what?' I asked timidly, knowing full well what she was talking about. I felt my face go warm.

'This little Solace boy.' Piper smirked. How did she always know these things?

'There's nothing to say..' 

'Bullshit,' she quipped.

'I don't know! He's- he's just kinda nice to look at, that's all,' I mumbled. 

Piper raised an eyebrow. 'Mhm. Are you sure that's all?'

'He has a nice smile. And he's also really tall. And he's cu- I MEAN-!'

'HA! Clearly a case of cupid, you slimy motherfucker,' she stated proudly. Why am I slimy?

'Keep your panties on, I don't even know if he likes guys,' I grumbled.

'Don't worry, my little Neeky-neeks, I'm sure you have the ability to turn straight men gay any day of the week.' Piper reacher over and pinched my cheek. I contemplated biting her hand and then strangling her. I settled for a (hopefully) intimidating scowl.

The rest of the ride was mostly talking about a silly game our group liked to play called Mythomagic (I like card games, sue me), the long ass flight, and the trip itself. Piper showed me some of the photos her family had taken of the pristine beaches when the McLeans had gone on vacation three years ago. 

'It's gonna be boiling by the way,' she mentioned. 'When we were there, it went over 100 degrees (Fahrenheit) a few days.'

Will's POV:


The bus parked out the front of the John F. Kennedy International Airport with no issues, thank God. The second the bus stopped, people sprang to their feet, desperate to breathe air that didn't reek of Axe Body spray, aggressively floral perfume, or sweat. There had been a lot of music through speakers and chatter throughout the drive, so I also thought I could smell the caffeine and energy drinks on breaths.

I had convinced Lou Ellen, one of my bestfriends, to sit with me at least through the bus ride, since she was leaving me for her group of girlfriends for the remainder of the trip.

We all filed off and all managed to eventually grab our own bags, with only some people realising they had another persons' and having to switch. 

'Nico!' I called into the crowd.

It was difficult to see Nico, in all his shortness, but after a few seconds I saw a pale hand reach over the heads of everyone else. I shoved my way through the crowd to the small hand that mine would have absolutely enveloped were I to have held it. 

Why am I even thinking about that?  I demanded an answer from my brain, but when none came, I decided it was just some weird Will thing and how I liked holding hands with people.

I eventually made it to the group of friends and was pounced on my Percy, who slapped my shoulder, babbled a quick 'Hey Will!', then made his way over to a blonde girl who I was 90% sure was Annabeth Chase, who's in my history class.

I made my way over to the shorter, dark haired boy, who was clearly trying very hard not to laugh at the exhausted look Annabeth sent his way.

'You weren't wrong about not giving him an energy drink before 10, how long do you think he has until he crashes?' I whispered into Nico's ear, though I had to lean my head down to get to his ear level. 

Nico tensed and flashed a quick side eye. When his dark chocolate eyes landed on me, he visibly relaxed. 

'Sorry, didn't realised you came over here,' he said. I flashed a smile. 

The large group slowly made their way into the airport, managed to check in the bags, made our way through security, and checked our gate. Well, the teachers checked the gate. The students went to go look in the duty free shops and restaurants, looking for something to eat for the plane, or now.

I followed the group of seven into a small snack shack looking store and bought a packet of Reese's cups and sour Trolli gummy worms, along with a packet of sour cream and chives Pringles. It's a long flight, don't judge me.

As other people at our gate began to line up, student slowly made their way to the line. We all got checked in and made our way onto the plane.

The school had basically just booked as many rows as they figured they would need at the back, and let the students pick their seating.

'I already called window!' Nico ran to a row 21 and slid to the window seat (seat A), Reyna behind him claimed the window seat on the right of the aisle in the same row (seat H).

Behind Reyna was Thalia, who sat in seat G next to Reyna, then Annabeth in seat F, then Piper in the aisle seat (seat E).

I had somehow wound up behind the girls, so I sat down next to Nico in seat B. Percy sat next me in seat C and then Jason was on the aisle in seat D. I turned to look out the window and caught Nico's eye. I gave him a smile and he quickly looked away. I turned my head to the right and saw Piper, Jason, Percy and Annabeth all exchange sly grins to each other that I didn't understand the meaning of.

The plane took off another half hour later and we were in the clouds what seemed like a moment later. As we all began to get comfortable, I pulled out a book from my backpack. Nico, who had his airpods in, pulled his right one out and asked, 'What are you reading?'

I turned the book to face him. 'Heartstopper. Got into the show recently and then started the books. Up to the third of five, but I only have three and four.'

Nico sat silently for a few moments. Then blandly said, 'Nice,' before returning his airpod to his ear. I furrowed my brow, confused by his reaction. I shrugged it off and began to read. 

Not long after, trolleys came around asking for drink orders. I got a simple apple juice. I was determined to sleep on this early ass flight, make up for the missed sleep this morning. I felt very left out, since Percy, Jason and Nico all got Pepsi Maxes. 

We were at hour five of our flight and I had made my way through the Reese's and half of my Pringles when I felt a weight on my shoulder and something tickling the skin on my neck exposed by my sweater. I turned my head carefully, to see Nico passed out on my shoulder, breathing softly, his inky hair the tickling culprit.

See, I'm a nice person, so I decided to let his head rest there. I also paused the music on his phone blaring through his earphones, which was resting in his lap. These decisions were absolutely not influenced by the fuzzy feeling that was growing in my stomach and the heat boiling in my cheeks. Nuh-uh. Definitely not. 

Another half an hour droned by in that position, before I felt my eyes get heavy. I put down my book and leaned my head against the seat back before promptly closing my eyes and drifting to sleep.

Percy's POV:


Will hadn't fallen asleep 5 minutes ago before his head ended up leaning inevitably to the left and falling softly onto Nico's. I almost burst into flames fangirling.

I turned to Jason, who had clearly already seen, and we had a quick silent scream of joy to each other, and then directed them to our girlfriends, who were giggling madly. 

Nico was going to combust when we woke up.


bit of a longer chapter this time. I promise the POVs will be 99% Nico or Will, but I just had the vision of the cutsie little sleeping on each others heads and I wasn't gonna let first person narration ruin it for me. 

no post yesterday cuz when i posted the first chapter, it was at 1am my time on wednesday and then i wrote and published another chapter on wednesday, and then i realised i hadn't written one yesterday, and now it's 1am again :)

hope your enjoying!!

- piv xx

word count: 1300

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