Date Night with Vic Fontaine

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Julian knew exactly where he wanted to take Samantha for a proper date night. The holoprogram of Vic Fontaine would be perfect. It was a classy restaurant with live music. Vic also was aware that he was a hologram and made jokes about it. It was a program that Julian's friend had created for him to enjoy. Now all he had to do was find the time for this date to happen. It was kind of a big problem. Julian was one of the few doctors on the station so he was always on call because of a lack of staff at the moment. The Bajoran doctor had quit last week so Dr. Bashir was the only doctor on board.

Samantha also was busy because she was quickly becoming Miles' protégé on the station. It meant her hours were quite long as Miles needed someone to do shift work while he was busy with his family. Julian created a schedule of the next two weeks of his various shifts in Sick Bay. He also added to the other space was that his on call hours which was every night. At least the nurses could deal with most injuries on their own. So hopefully, Samantha had some time in her schedule as well. One Friday evening, two weeks from the date with Garek, Julian was working an early shift, so he wasn't working that evening. He messaged his schedule over to Samantha and waited for her response.

It took a couple of hours since Samantha was on shift but she did response with confirmation that the particular Friday evening was free for her as well. Julian smiled at the message. Now, he needed to plan out what he wanted to do with the program. It's all about the atmosphere created by music.

The next two weeks passed by in the blink of an eye. Julian found himself dressing in his quarters and making sure to look his best. The tux felt a little strange in an unfamiliar way, but it was a really classy restaurant. Once he was ready, Julian walked to Samantha's door. The door opened and Julian saw Samantha. She was dressed in a beautiful royal blue dress, the fabric was chiffon, long and flowing, the sleeves were just the right length, meeting up with her white gloves. It was clearly a white tie dress. Her hair was dressed up in a fancier chignon than normal, it was the tiara that caught Julian' eye. It was a beautiful delicate silver design, perfectly crafted.

'Julian, you look great.'

'Likewise, you take my breathe away.'

'Where is this upscale restaurant?'

'The hollosuite, of course.' As they walked together to Quarks, everyone stopped and stared at Samantha, she commanded the room, shining in her brilliance. There was a glimpse of the captain that Julian believed that one day she would become.

When they got to Vic's, even Vic was floored by her appearance.

'Well, you're the most beautiful woman this lightbulb has ever seen.' She smiled and said.

'Vic, your program is too full of flattery but thank you.'

They sat down at the best table and Vic went to the piano. He started with Beethoven's Midnight Sonata.

'Julian, this is wonderful. I love it. Although perhaps I'm slightly overdressed.'

'Maybe, but you look amazing. I would be overdressed as well. '

That evening, they talked about everything and anything, it was about the two of them sharing who they are as people. After a while, once they were done with supper, Vic joined them at the table.

Julian was surprised by Samantha' vast knowledge about Vic' time period. It was just another piece of who she is.

'you fix this beautiful space station, Miss Tracy.'

'I do, Vic, along with a team of engineers commanded by Chief Miles O'Brien. Although I cannot take most of the credit, Chief has done the most amount of work, I've only been here a few months. He has kept this station running and has done so much in repairing it after the occupation.' Julian had to smile at her honest humility. Many people would have accepted the compliment and gone on with the evening. Samantha was different. She wanted the truth to be know about her accomplishments.

'Well, maybe the two of you should dance, it is the perfect music for it.'

'Good idea Vic, Julian?' They danced in the restaurant twirling around as the dress swirling around their legs.

'Who do I have to thank for this dress?'

'Garek, of course, he recommended the dress. He actually made it which was wonderful. I might not have picked such an impractical dress for this date. I took his advice. I saw everyone looking at me while we were walking here, it was weird.'

'I think it was a great choice. People were looking at you because you were standing so tall with such a presence. Normally, you can blend into a room unless you need to be heard. It's an interesting gift of yours. To stand out and to blend into a crowd as well.'

'One of the physical therapists taught me how to stand out in a room or blend in. He thought it would be quite useful for me to know if I wanted to be in Starfleet. I already knew how to hide in a room, but he taught me how to stand tall. He was a master at it. He could hide in an empty room if he wanted to. He also taught me how to dance.'

'He must have been special to you.' Julian felt a twinge of jealousy towards this man, but just a touch.

'He was, he also was in his mid fifties, and he died a few months later trying to save people in a evacuation of a ship. He died saving people which is how is always wanted to go. No regrets, and that's how I always remember him. All smiles and gracefulness. That's just how it should be. You thought I had a crush on him, didn't you?' She said with a smile.

'I did wonder, but now I know the truth. Did I ever tell you about the ballet dancer with the most flexible feet, I was dating at the Academy?'

'No, but I would love to hear about it. She is a part of your life just as much as he was to me.'

Eventually after several dances, Julian was thoroughly exhausted and so was Samantha. He could tell from her posture that tonight should be ending. They exited the hollosuite, bidding goodbye to Vic.

'Samantha, let me walk you back to your quarters.'

'Of course, thank you.'

This time when they reached her quarters again, Julian held her in his arms and kissed her right on the lips. She leaned into his embrace and prolonged the kiss. When they stopped, she was blushing and smiling at Julian.

'Goodnight, Jules.' Julian bid her good night and went to his quarters. If she had called him that a few years ago, he would have reacted badly. Now he had repaired his relationship with his parents to the point where he thought about maybe using the nickname again.

He bumped into Garek during his walk back.

'Well, Doctor, you're positively beaming. I guess the date went well?'

'It did, Garek. She looked amazing. How did you know that she would look so good in that dress?'

'I have an eye for fashion. I am a very good tailor after all. Although, I'm surprised that the dress didn't end up on her floor in a heap, but you humans are odd that way.' Julian blushed at the suggestion which was unusual for him.

'We parted at the door, Garek. I want more of a relationship from her than that. I don't want to rush into anything.'

'Good night, Doctor. Do let me know how the next date goes.'

They departed from each other as Julian closed the door to his quarters. He was elated by the date but there was one nagging question in his mind. Where would this relationship go after this?

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