• PART 21 •

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Aaliyah pov

"Let's go... we're going to be late for our flight" he urged, his voice firm but gentle snapping me out of my thoughts.

I nodded and called out to Jannat "Let's go Jannat.... Your Ibrahim oppa says we're going to be late."

Ibrahim smiled and glanced downward. I couldn't help but notice his reaction to my words.

Jannat joined us and together we made our way to the airport. After some time, we found ourselves on Ibrahim's private jet.. departing from Saudi Arabia.

As we ascended into the sky I caught a final glimpse of Al Haram through the plane window. Emotions flooded my heart and I felt a pang of sadness at leaving this holy place behind.

I shut my eyes and quietly thanked Allah for the special journey we'd just had. I promised myself to keep the feeling of Al Haram in my heart forever. Its importance would always help me stay on the right path and deepen my faith.

I prayed the same for Jannat, hoping she would also carry the spiritual energy of Al Haram with her. May it illuminate her path and strengthen her faith, just as it has for me.

As I glanced at Jannat peacefully sleeping beside me and Ibrahim engrossed in his book, I retrieved my diary from my bag. With pen in hand I began to pour my heart onto the pages and documenting every detail of our journey in Saudi Arabia and my first Umrah experience. The memories etched in my mind found their place in the diary, preserving them for eternity.

After some time Ibrahim's voice interrupted my train of thought drawing my attention towards him. "Are you a diary writer?" he inquired, his voice gentle yet curious.

I nodded in affirmation a soft smile gracing my lips. "Yes... I like to jot down the memorable moments of my life in my diary" I replied.

Curious, Ibrahim inquired further "What are you writing now?"

"I'm writing my first Umrah experience with my best friend" I responded, my eyes flickering with the memories of our journey.

Ibrahim nodded in understanding but then I turned the question back to him and asking about his own experiences. "You come here for work several times a year... how many Umrahs have you performed in Saudi Arabia?"

His demeanor shifted slightly a hint of discomfort evident in his expression as he hesitantly replied "What if I said I haven't performed Umrah yet?"

Surprised by his response and I couldn't help but react "Are you joking?"

But Ibrahim shook his head solemnly. "No... I haven't performed... Umrah yet.. " he admitted.

"Why not?" I asked, puzzled by his revelation. "There will be no Muslim who comes to Saudi Arabia but does not perform Umrah."

After Ibrahim's confession a solemn silence lingered between us heavy with unspoken thoughts and emotions. I gazed at him my heart aching with disbelief and concern. "But.. you're Muslim..." I murmured, struggling to comprehend his revelation.

He sighed, his expression reflecting a mixture of longing. "Yes.... I am Muslim" he admitted quietly "but I've never delved deeply into the teachings of Islam."

My mind reeled with questions and a wave of sadness washed over me. "But why?" I asked, my voice barely above a whisper. "Islam is not just a religion... it's a way of life... a path to peace and guidance. How could you not seek knowledge about something so precious?"

Ibrahim's gaze met mine his eyes filled with a hint of remorse "I suppose I got caught up in the distractions of life" he confessed, his tone tinged with regret. "I never took the time to truly understand my faith."

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