My NOT So Typical Love

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"I know what's happening with you. It's the same. It's always the same. I know it in my gut. I have read so many novels and watched so many dramas. This is how it works." Nonnie said this to my utter annoyance.

"Can you cut the crap?" I snapped at her.

"Believe me, bro. This is it." She jumped on the bed and sat beside me. "Ok, tell me something."

"Listen, I am not in the mood to... Ow..."

She slapped her hand on my mouth. "Just answer me this once. If I am wrong, I won't bother you ever again." She said.

I glared at her, but she stubbornly held my mouth.

"Ummmm, mmmm." I nodded from under her palm, accepting defeat.

She giggled and removed her hand.

"I am leaving." I started to get up, but she jumped on my back.

"What is this, Nonnie? I need to go." I tried one last time, though I know where this is going.

"You agreed, bro. I won't let you go unless you answer all my questions." While hanging on to my back, she pulled my neck harder.

"Fine... Now get down. You are heavy!"

She jumped back onto the bed and patted it so that I could sit beside her.

She took out her diary and a pen.

"So, first question..."

I sighed heavily, making myself comfortable.


"In your first meeting, you bumped into each other and fell on top of each other?"


On my first day of work, I was running to the office elevator. I had to make an impression, so I took time to get ready. But in turn, I got stuck in traffic and was already 5 minutes late. But the doors were about to close.

"Bingo! He opened the lift door for you by sticking his leg or hand out between the closing elevator gates."

"Again wrong."

I controlled my running speed on time and stood waiting for the elevator to arrive.

"Then he came from behind? And you got in together?"

"I am sorry, but you suck at this-or rather, your novels and dramas suck at this."

"Don't! Cut to the chase and tell me, How did you meet him?"

I was allotted one of the good desks, and my team members all seemed friendly; they called me to have lunch with them too. In fact, I made two friends as well. The project that I got was also nice. My manager is extremely calm and composed.

"What? No damsels in distress? Then how could you meet the knight in shining armor?"

"Why do I need to have a knight save me, though? Shouldn't I just quit my job if I have shitty work vibes?"

"Argghhh... So annoying. Cut to the chase, bro. Tell me, How did you meet him then?"

"You are calling me annoying? Really?"

After almost a month of stating my job, during lunch break, I met him at the smoking zone.

"Wait. Such an unromantic location! What the hell is this?"

"Do you want to hear it or not?"

"Alright... Go on," she said dully.

He asked for my lighter. We got to know each other's names and departments. Then we exchanged numbers.

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