Stalker Dairy ( not a fanfic)

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Be careful for what you wish for.

The universe is very giving and doesn't foresee any of anyones wishes.

I came across this whole yandere genre back in my karma simping era. This hot devil had me on my knees begging and squirming back then. The yagami yato audios didn't improve the situation if not make it worse.

Until she made the nsfw audios age restricted. ( and my dumb ass didn't even knew how to excess them...that until i heard somewhere— i think in a reaction video where the maker mentioned that " Kids could excess this stuff by making another email id with an older age so idk" )

Loving him made me feel up the void caused by the lack of romance or interesting things in my life. My parents are very strict, even though they do not pressure me on my academics, they did have expectations which were broken time and time again until none was left. They didn't allow me to attend any birthday parties, they wouldn't let me hang out with my friends, wouldn't allow friends over etc.

I had a crush... A big one back in 4th grade, the guy wasn't that handsome, but he was the first man to give me any bit of attention afyer my father seemingly stopped loving me as he used to.

His attention wasn't the good type however, often times teasing me about my plump size or tan skin or how ugly i was. I still latched onto him however. Haha

He stopped talking to me completely once he found out that i had a crush on him ( my ex best friend, a very kind and nice girl, we were on bad terms and she was running after him to tell him about this because of her grudge) and yeah, he found out somehow.

He had a crush on this girl, very pretty, she kinda looks like a k pop idol, cute, pretty, pale skinned. Our first conversation went out like tgis:-

She was sitting at one of the many benches in the row i sat in. Talking to some girls of my class she befriended, i knew who she was but i didn't bother talking to her until

" You are (My real name( right? "

"yeahhh.. Thats me "

" Do you have any crushes "

" No haha... "

" Haha then boy A? '

"Nahh "

" He told me you had a crush on him "


We were in 7th grade and i didn't had any views on her way of talking until now,  idk if miss girl wanted to stroke her ego or what.

Boy A and I never talked since 5th grade, he did transferred but this whole thing left me insecure and traumatised might I add.

This made me all too attracted to this genre. The thought of someone loving you so much so was what i needed. But what i needed may not have been what i wanted.

2 or 3 years ago i came across the whole subliminal thingy until i was recommended this " Manifest perverted yandere" I didn't believe in it like always but just to mock and make a fun out of it I tried.

And guys it isn't jyst that. Its literally such a dark community. What we read isn't normal but what they are trying to manifest SHOULD BE ILLEGAL, They just don't understand how harmful it all is. Anyway

I started to envision this impossible man, very very rich, pale, veiny hands, black hair( kinda fluffy), unframmed rectangular glasses, very hot, kinda perverted, tall etc etc ( Keeping out all the not so innocent details)


I JUST JOINED THIS COACHING CENTRE, I LITERALLY FEEL MYSELF BEING WATCHED. I feel a presence behind me while i am just walking dowm the hallways, even though that i have never seen him. UNTIL TODAY.

For very obvious reasons i would like to kwep  his identity sealed but yeahjhj

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For very obvious reasons i would like to kwep  his identity sealed but yeahjhj.....mind you this guy has been walking around my house idk though i think he is just a normal guy but his body language was....odd? But who knows right. I hope all this rustling outside my bedroom window is nothing but some stray cats and dogs doing though.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 04 ⏰

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