Arrival at Hogwarts

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Y/N's POV 

I was already sitting in a train compartment,while my brother Harry was still searching for his to two friends Hermione and Ron,I know that they are all in Griffendor and that's exactly why I don't want to be in that house, I also don't want to be sorted in Hufflepuff just the name Hufflepuff makes me wanna puke ,so there are only two options Slytherin or Ravenclaw,I really don't care as long as I'm not in the same house as Harry, because if I am ,he's gonna play overprotective twin.*A few minutes later *I hear Harry coming and as it seems he has found his little BFFs,redhead Weasley and know it all Granger,they are both annoying but bearable ,,Hi Y/N",they both say and I answer the same.Then they start talking about stuff like their schedule,teachers and stupid things like that,Hogwarts already sounds boring. I never wanted to go to the same school as Harry,but I was kicked out of Beauxbaton after I accidentally setting my room there on fire,oh well their loss.*You fall asleep and wake up as the train stopps*Ugh,i hear Granger screaming loudly:,,We're here! " ,,Can't you be quit", I say. ,,Don't be rude",Harry says.,, Yes Mommy", I answer and he looks annoyed and Weasley makes a sound that I can't really get, oh well. Now I remember that my luggage has to be somewhere in here ,so I ask Harry. ,,It's somewhere up there" he answers.,,Found it",I say and look behind me,but everyone is already gone,so I grab my luggage and run towards the exit,I just get out before the door closes.As it seems Harry and his friends left me in my own care.I see all the students walking towards carriages that are drawn by creatures I have never seen before in my life.What are these?,,They are thestrals",a girl to my right side says ,oops,seems like I thought loud,but who cares finally someone I can talk with that is not Harry and his BFFs,so I ask:,,What are thestrals?" She answers:,,It's a magical creature,that you can only see if you saw somebody die,oh by the way I'm Luna ,a Ravenclaw and who are you ?" ,,I'm Y/N,I am new here ",I answer her,I hear an Oh and then it's quit,so I walk faster to the carriages.I just want to get this day behind me.*A few minutes later you arrive and see Harry,so you walk towards him.* ,,What the heck",I say and ,,Where were you?".Harry looks up and says :,,Sorry,I just forgot that you are going to this school now ",he says.I scoff, typical Harry,his chosen self can't think of anything else then himself and the lord-without-a-nose,yes I call him that,because Harry talked the the whole holiday's about how dangerous everything is now that Voldemort's still alive,I am sick of it. *A few Moments later*I have been so long in my mind,that i didn't even notice that Harry is long gone,what a snake! 

Mattheo's POV 

I sit down at my place,let's just get this over with.Dumbledore gets up and starts to talk,all I can hear is Blablabla,until something grabs my attention,,Let's give Y/N Potter a warm welcome!"What another Potter?This is bad news!

Y/N's POV 

The doors open and I walk in,I hear all the whispers and feel a little scared,but no I'm not gonna be a scared little girl,I keep my head high and walk straight to the front An elderly woman asks me to sit on a chair,so I do it and then she puts the speaking hat on head ,what the fuck is happening,Harry never told me anything about this!*The hat starts talking *,,Ah another Potter, also powerful and ambitious,but something is darker, SLYTHERIN!I sigh in relief,thanks Merlin,not Griffendor,when I see Harry's face I almost start to laugh,but I keep my smile down and walk to the Slytherin table.

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