Part 5) The rehearsal

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Hey guys :)
Thanks for reading. 
I'll update "In love with the wrong brother " on Saturday or Sunday too. 
Please like, comment and share.

Enjoy !

1 hour later

I'm on my way to Christian. In his e-mail he said, he'd like to meet me today. And Kate will be gone 'til 8 or 9 pm., so she won't wonder where I am.

I've called her again after I figured out that Christian is the "benefactor" who donated me the laptop, to tell her it was a present from my mother. I just don't want to talk about Christian with Kate. She's my best friend but after I told her what happened between me and Grey she hates him. She said if she'll ever meet him, she'll kill him. I know she won't but an argument with Katherine Kavanagh is worse than dieing!

Arriving at the Escala I already see Taylor. Although I just met him once, I like him.

I get out of the car and walk towards Taylor.

》Good evening Miss Steele《

》 Hello Taylor.《 I smile. I want to ask him he could call me Ana but he said he's not allowed to last time. And I think that hasn't changed.

We are in the elevator. Familar. Make our way upstairs. Familar. The doors open. A familiar face. Christian.

》 Good evening Anastasia. 《 he smiles.

》 Good evening Mr. Grey 《 In say confidently. I'm glad I sounded confident. 

》Are you hungry?《 he asks with a smirk on his fresh shaved face. Mmmh his cologne smells so good. I'd like to squeeze my nose against his face to breath his scent and ....

He still has this smirk on his face and it gets brighter. No! I think he caught me fantasising about him...

Stop! It!

》Not really. 《 I admit.

》 I think you should eat something... Come. Dinner is ready. Do you like salmon? 《

》 Eh... yes... I guess... I don't know...《

To say it in José's words "Adios confidence..."

》We'll find out.《 he says while reaching out his hand so I can grab it.

But I don't. I just walk towards the kitchen on my own, followed by Christian.

We sit down and Ms. Jones brings us dinner. It smells heavenly. I'm not very hungry but it smells so delicious. Baked potatos with salmon and asparagus.  I just have to taste it. I taste the asparagus first, biteing the tip of it and let out a little "mmm" while eating it. Looking up I see that Christian is looking at me with a big grin on his face.

Maybe he's happy about the fact that I like the dinner...

》So... you want to ask me some questions,right?《 Christian says a bit... nervous?


》 Ask me. Now.《

》 I'm eating...《

》 I think you're capable of multitasking.《 he smirks.

》Your questions?《


I take out a little sheet of paper I prepared at home, with all the questions on it. I was afraid I'd forget them if I'm here. With him. 

He looks a bit confused and amused.

I start to read

》 1) Why did you donate me a laptop? 《

》 I just wanted to keep in touch with you. A letter takes to much time. Go on. 《

》 Ok... 2)  How did you get my adress? 《

》 I have people for that. They found out and told me. 《

》 Isn't that illegal? 《

》 I wouldn't tell you if it would be.《

I nod.

》 Go on.《

》 And the last and most important question is... 3) why " fake wife"? I mean this is.... it's ... that is...《

》 Fucked up?《 

I didn't want to say that but I

nod in agreement. 

》 Yeah it is. But you didn't even listen to me. Instead you freaked out.《

Yes. The hot tea thing...

》Sorry.《 I mumble.

》 Pardon?《 he asks. I know that he heard me...

》Sorry.《 I say a little bit louder, eyes focust on my fork. I can see myself in the reflection. My face is pink because I'm so nervous...

》Excuse excepted. Tell me, what are you thinking right now?《

》 What?《

》 What are you thinking? 《

》 Nothing just... I can not... imagine.... a life... as.. a ... fake wife.《

》 So your biggest problem is not knowing what it'd be like to be my fw?《

Fw? This is how he calls that?

I nod again. It's true. I really can't.

》 I prepared a contract. Very long. Many details. We'll negotiate everything. But if you  can't even imagine  a life as a fw, it will be redicoules to talk about this things now. It's a little bit like a ..... relationship.《

He says the word "relationship" with a little disgust. 

I don't know anything about relationships.  I never had a boyfriend before! 

I nod again lost in my thoughts.

Tell him!  Tell him you don't know any of this!

What about a rehearsal? 《


》 What do you mean?《

》 Do you have any plans or meetings later or tomorrow morning? 《


》 Good. Stay here. Stay the night and I 'll show you how it would be.《

I nod again.

Is that everything your capable of? Nodding?

》You want to stay?《 Christian says with shock in his voice.

》 Good.《 he adds while smileing.

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