Chapter 3

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“Yeah, I just left the restaurant, alright i'll meet you there” I ended the call with mike as I exited the restaurant building and towards my car.
I sighed as I started it and drove off to meet mike and his friends for his birthday party. I quickly glanced at the gift bags at the back of the car then sighed again as I landed on a pedestrian crossing and had to take a break, I picked up my purse and a quick image of what just happened in the bathroom with Milo flashed my brain and I dropped it. “I need something stronger" I reached out to open my pigeon hole and grabbed a small bag of pills, I hesitated for a min then proceeded to put it into my mouth. An image of Mike and I swept into my head “remember if you want it to work faster you put it under your tongue like this” Mike said in an image of my memories I don’t want that at least not until I get there and I’m done driving
I quickly took my water bottle from the side of my seat and flushed the pill down my throat.

As I pulled over in the parking space of Mike’s apartment, I took out my phone and texted him “Hii I’m here” I took out my purse and his gift bags and came out of the car to go into his house, on my walk down I started to feel the effect of the drug and I started smiling. I saw Mike open the front door before I could get there, when I noticed him, I started smiling and waving the bags to him, he raised his eyebrows and said “You’re in a party mood aren’t ya?” I smiled and turned around playfully dancing before he came down to help me with my bags and help me up the stairs laughing at my highness display.

“Ew you guys are Dogs” Deina said while rolling her eyes at me and Mike as we were eating each other’s faces and didn’t care if the others were in the room. “Poor Deina she’s just single and pathetic “Abby said which made Deina look at Abby to say something when Mike interrupted “hoooold it up my dad’s calling” he got up picked the call and went out of the room where he left Deina, Abby, Kel, Mors and me alone. I took a bottle of beer from the table and took a sip as the effect of the drug lessened, I was used to it now and usually a pill wouldn’t make me go badshit crazy but it would ease my mind.
“Bro, you look dilated stop drinking or else you’ll go crazy” Deina said with a smirk as if to piss me off I’ve had it with her salty ass
“how’s your pussy need to tack it every now and then?” I replied…. Abby burst out in laughter in reaction to what I said which obviously hurt Deina as she walked out of the room in anger and went outside while Abby was still giggling and looked at me to say something.  “Dang someone had to put her in her place” She came to sit closer to me showing me a picture of Deina’s new found fuckbuddy, she kept on talking about how shitty Deina treats him and something about him coming tonight or so?..... By this time, I was drinking a lot and I was already faded and I began reminiscing what had happened between me and Milo as it kept playing in my head and I kept trying to drown those thoughts with the drink in my hand. 
Before I could notice, everything became dark and I began to feel the urge to throw up as I noticed someone carry me out to the bathroom and I vomited everything out.
The lightness in my head wiped out gradually as I noticed Mike pick me off the floor and wipe my mouth “Thanks” I said with a feeling of guilt in my chest what did I do? Why did I do that? I ruined everything! I began feeling a flush of emotions and tears pouring out my eyes, I started to see it again…... I wasn’t always like this but ever since the incident I’ve always had these hallucinations they tear me in pieces and my heart begins to beat like it’s never going to stop and I can barely hear anything.
The ringing in my ears grew louder as I felt Mike holding me firm and trying to stabilize me, just when I thought I was going to die I felt a tingling pierce in my arm and the noise began to stop and once again I was back to normal.
I looked over at Mike who had the saddest look on his face, he laid me on his bed and covered me in his sheets, then he pecked my forehead “Get some sleep” I smiled halfly and before I knew it, I started to close my eyes and drifted into a deep sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14 ⏰

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