Chapter 13

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"I'll continue now, ok?" Getting no responses of disapproval Italy started reading again.

"Dear diary, I met a guy today and he's SUPER cool. And I mean it! HE SPEAKS A BUNCH OF LANGUAGES! HOW!? AND HE'S SUPER SASSY! ALMOST MORE THAN IGGY! HE'S ALSO GOT A FABULOUS SENSE OF HUMOR AND IS AS STRONG AS ME! And he also wears sunglasses WHEREVER he goes, even if it's for an eye problem that he has- Anyways, you'll have to help me remember his name: James Howard. -America. Dear diary, I met someone wile fighting today, his name is Giovanni. Other than being VERY handsome, he's also great at fighting. He said that his motives to join the resistance were that he wanted to free his country, but most importantly, get back at the same person that killed his brother and indirectly forbids him from being with his lover. He didn't say anything else about his personal life tho, he's very secretive and mysterious- Romano. Dear diary, I was walking in Moscow, when I met a strange man. He stuck out easily, he was more than two meters tall, but he still looked odd. He reminded me of a soldier that I trained years ago, Petrov, but it was just before we invaded Afghanistan, so it couldn't have been him, this man is too young. Maybe it's his his son? I hope so, Petrov was really diligent and hardworking- Russia. Vee~ that's it"

"I don't see what these three have in common. I mean. James was cool and all, but I don't think it's SO IMPORTANT that you guys need to know about a random friend that I made at a bar" America looked at the other nations as he spoke, and finally landed on Italy "Is there something else written after?"

Italy shook his head just as the lights dimmed again. The curtains closed and the screen reappeared.

The first video displayed a group in a battle field, in a grassy plain. A man was walking in front of everyone else, but his face wasn't shown. The other men were dressed as soldiers and the 'camera' finally stopped on America. He held his bayonet with ease and had a determined look on his face.

"Sheesh. I haven't changed one bit"

The 'camera' then panned to their commander, who was a tall man with blond hair and darker eyes. He stopped in front of America and looked at him up and down. They were nearly the same height, but America still looked awkward under that man's gaze.

"What's your name, soldier?" America responded dutifully "Alfred Jones, sir"

"Not a bad name Alfred, must I say" The man kept walking and asking the same question, tho he didn't compliment anyone else.

Once he finished he started talking again, but America noticed something different in him. His messy hair was red, white and blue, and his face seemed to be plastered with their new flag. He blinked a few times, and the man went back to normal.

The screen slowly turned black again.


"No America, I'm pretty sure you weren't"

"Well that's good to hear"

The next video started and this time showed Britain going to speak with some people. His navy blue military uniform was the same as the one of the other men there.

They all had similar characteristics: blond hair, bags under their eyes, similar height and around the forty years of age. All except one man ofc: he seemed almost as young as England, but his most defining characteristic was his height. Even if he was sitting down, you could tell that he was extremely tall.

England sat down and one of the men started talking, but he wasn't really paying attention: his mind was focused on the tall man who couldn't seem to keeps his eyes open.

He appeared to be of higher rank than the others, as another officer kept waking him up with silent 'your Grace's and 'excuse me's.

England quietly asked the officer next to him what the guy's name was, but the odd man beat him to it. "I'm Leonard Howard. And you should be paying attention, Kirkland"

England looked at him with slight shock, but was even more surprised when he saw dark blue hair with a bit of white and red.

The man's face had his flag plastered upon, but by the time England elaborated such abnormality, the man had already returned to normal and the screen faded to black again.

Everyone looked at England, and said Nation seemd to be thinking.

"So it happened to you to Iggy"

"No shit"

The screen turned on again, and this time it displayed a scene that they had already witnessed: the ruins of a burnt village layed in the background, atop a thick layer of snow. In the foreground were three people: a small child and two men.

Canada was hugging the other man as he cried. The other person tried to comfort him as best as he could, but it was hard. "Hey Matthew listen to me".

Canada lifted his head, and looked at him. For a split second he seemed different: his hair was red and his face had a flag that he all much knew and loved.

Tho, he had just enough time to process it, as the man soon turned back to his light skin and ginger hair. The screen faded off to black again.

No one said anything as there wasn't much else to comment, so another video immediately started playing.

A small tavern was displayed, with several men drinking and having fun. In the midst of it Romano had a drunk smile as he clapped to something.

The 'camera' moved and another man became visible. He was standing on a table, singing a song. He had dark brown hair and brown eyes, a tanned skin and a great singing voice.

Romano was singing along the main part of the song, to drunk to even remember the rest.

The man ended the song with several 'Questo è il fiore del partigiano, morto per la libertaaà'. He gave a bow as he finished singing and his eyes met with Romano's.

The man got caught up in talking with other people as Romano looked at him with curiosity: his brown hair had divided into green, white, red and a few specks of black. His skin as well had changed, going from a nice tan to the same colors that he had in his hair. His face was covered in three vertical lines of those same three colors, with a black star in the middle.

Drunk Romano didn't even realize what he saw, as the man turned back to normal and the screen went black.

"I actually don't remember that" Romano though out loud "You seemed drunk out of your mind dude, I wouldn't expect you to remember"

Ahhhhhhhhh new shit ahhhhhhh

Help I'm listening to hideous music in class

Also I don't have the energy to proof-read this

1152 words

May 9th 2024

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