Breaking up with Sierra

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" Ok sierra that's enough, I'm tired of you." Jesse said
" What did I do to you honestly?." Sierra asked
" You been taking my money, giving me a headache, and much much more I'm tired of it." He said
" Well I'm sorry I made you feel that way." She said
" Guess what your sorrys are done and I'm also done with you cause we're breaking up." Jesse said and she looked shocked
" What? Jess you can't leave me!." She said
" I am and I will." Jesse said as he got all of his things and left for good

Four years later

It's been four years since Jesse had broken up with Sierra, he's been doing great so far without her. He met couple of friends named Rhazay, Chance, and Max.. when it was the next day he was getting out of his car when he saw a girl getting hit by a guy..

" You better get too work or I'll sue you and your job do you understand me?." The guy asked the girl who nodded while he hit her a few times as he left, Jesse was shocked he went too thr girl and said
" Hey are you ok?." He asked her as she looked up at him
" Yeah I'm ok, thank you um-." She cut herself off
" Jesse, Jesse Argento you?." He asked her
" Catherine Halstead, nice to meet you. Uhh I wish I had a boyfriend like you." She said as he chuckled a bit
" Wait so the guy that I saw hitting you was your boyfriend?." Jesse asked looking kind of shocked as she nodded
" Yeah his name is Andrew Hernandez and he does not like me at all, I don't know why I agreed to be with him." She said as they both walked into the bar
" So you work here?." He asked her
" Yeah I do, one or two glasses?." She asked
" I'll take one, I'm not trying to get drunk today." Jesse said as she chuckled
" So tell me about yourself." Catherine said
" Well I'm a 21 year old guy who works as a social security, I had a girlfriend but I broke up with her three years ago, and this is were I am." Jesse explained
" Wow, that explains the difference between love and a life." She said
" So can you tell me about yourself you don't have to if you don't want to I'm not pressuring you too." He said as she sighs
" Well I'm a Halstead so I have parents who are Detectives who work at the district 21st, I have an older cousin named Jezabel Halstead and I also have a older twin sister named Natalie and we share a younger brother named Damieon but we call him D.J. for short and I work at a bar called Shakespeare witch we are here now so your welcome.." she explained as he laughed
" Wow your story is longer than mine, and your boyfriend?." He asked
" Me and Andrew have been together since 5th grade but then we were kind of like an off and on type of couple so we're on now but we're probably going to be off for a while since he's been cheating and going out with girls behind my back and stuff so." Catherine said as Jesse looked hurt
" And your ok with him doing that kind of shit?." He asked
" Yeah I am, so how did you and your girlfriend broke up?." She asked as he sighed
" Long story can't tell. But since you asked, my girlfriend's name was Sierra she's the part of the Haschak sisters and I dated her for a while but then she started to give me a headache and always taking my money and shit so I broke up with her and moved on with my life & that's how I'm here." Jesse said
" Wow that's a lot too tell, want another shot?." Catherine asked as she bit her lip
" Sure." He said and they just spent their inter evening together talking about their past

Too be continued

Jesse Lee Argento - I Hate you, I love you..Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz