Ch 23 Cooking

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The next day Rin took you shopping to get ingredients for tea tonight, as you placed things in the trolly, you could feel eyes on you, Rin comes over and holds you from behind shielding you from the stare, knowing who it was you groan and say "why here of all places?".

Placing a kiss on your neck he says "it's fine, I am here. Ignore it the best you can" sighing you relax slightly, but move quickly to get the items needed. Standing at the tills you wait your turn when Rin asked "so how bad is it going to be?" you chuckle and say "toxic waste would be generous" he chuckles darkly.

While chatting you say "it's weird I can dissect a human body, yet I can't get the hang of cooking. I can follow recipes and end up with something hazardous to health" he chuckles and hold you then says "I can cook, I just don't" groaning you say "okay, show off" giving him a kiss you pay for the groceries and leave.

Walking down the street to the car a voice calls out "what would he say about this?" Rin tenses and you sigh saying "he is dead and has been for what 14 years? I don't think he or I care anymore. I mourned enough for someone who never really loved me" then you kept on walking.

Rindou turned and dead stared the man quietly saying "she has suffered enough, let her be free now. I will kill you if you hurt her again" then he follows you, grabbing your hand smiling to the shocked looks of the other man.

Another man joined him and said "happy now?" a sigh then a small nod "I will leave her alone, like I was asked" grabbing his arm he drags the man off, not seeing the eyes that watched them.

Reaching the garage you stand by the car waiting and Rin groans when Sanzu drives in he gets out grinning, until he sees your face, raising a brow he grins and says "I won't apologise, we were worried" nodding you say "okay, but next time don't stalk me, join me like a friend yeah?" he flinched and nods hugging you.


They day went by and you were in the kitchen cooking up a storm, with sweaty and nervous men waiting for their deaths, Rin laughs and says" I hope you are ready for a bad night?" they all pale when you call out "it's ready" slowly they stand and make their way to the table, they sit and look at the food.

Blinking surprised at the fact it looks good, you join them and say "okay dig in" they place some in their bowls, taking a breath they all place a piece in their mouths and grimace, but eat it. Smiling you ask "so how is it?" Ko asked "how can it look like this but taste like that?" Rin who knew swallowed and the giggled asking "bloody hell love, what is this? Fuck" and he looses it.

Pouting you say "I told you, I follow recipe and it still ends up like this" he laughs more, as you growl, picking up another piece he pops it in your mouth and you gag, he smirks saying "never cook again. And gag on something else" they all groan and order out.

Looking at the food and then you, Rin says "what recipes did you follow?" smiling you weren't and grabbed the book, he looked at it and smiled, then asked "what did you use as a substitute for these items?" blinking you look at what he is pointing at and say "I didn't use a substitute" he twitched and says "but we didn't grab this love?".

Paling you run into the kitchen and a small shriek leaves you and you hang your head, a body comes behind and looks at what you are doing, then he laughs holding you close saying "no wonder. Do you use this every time?" groaning you nod, as he chuckles then kisses your cheek and states "we will get the correct items and try again" you lean in to him nodding.

Leaving you to your sorrow he walks out of the kitchen chuckling and placed the item used in the food on to the table top, they all look then at the recipe, snickers leaving them as Rin wiped a bit of dirt off the recipe, revealing the actual name of the seasoning, not what you had been using.

Mikey whispers "I should of bought her a new cook book" to the laughter of all, you come back out and sit at the table grumbling, they all smile. The ordered food arrives and you take the concoctions you had made out to the kitchen, then you all eat the decent food.

They clean up leaving you to your small sulking session, being picked up you are placed on a lap and hugged tight, a voice says "at least you tried right?" groaning you sob into his shoulder, then say "I should of listened to the voices" he laughed and rocked you as a voice said "wait, you were told not to use this?" as he points to the item, you slump and nod "every time. But the book said to use it".

They look at you so confused when Mikey says "so your subconscious knew not to put that in the food, but you were reading it in the book, so you did it?" sobbing more you buried your head into Sanzu's shoulder, when Mochi says "well she probably knew, who puts medicine in food. But she was confused by the recipe in a well known book".

They all nod in understanding as you mumble to yourself or whoever was having a conversation with you.

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