7. The Corrupted Spirit

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After some time, as he was still surrounded by water, Ignis began to worry. Not because of the water changing colour to red every now and then when some unfortunate fish accidentally crossed paths with him, but because the spell was about to run out, and he was still under water.

'Eh, I had a good life.', he contemplated as the winds around him started to become slower, though he did not completely give up just yet, as he had one more spell that could aid him. Just as the sphere around him was about to burst, he slammed down his staff while casting the spell
Repelling Force > on the floor. This caused him to be shot out of the water at just the right speed to burst through the surface of the water.

'Huh, that actually worked. And it looks like I'm heading for land as well.', he thought, as he hurtled towards a beastkin man fishing at the river's shore. The fisherman, a grey-furred lykan, or werewolf, as some humans would call them, barely managed to jump out of the way, before the wizard slammed into the folding chain in which he had just sat.

As his robe was quite shock absorbent, the fall itself did nothing to Ignis but cover him in dust, which he freed himself off as he rose to his feet. Looking around, he saw the fisherman look at him in shock, as the situation he found himself in was far out of the ordinary.

"What, never saw a man in a dress go out for a swim on such a lovely day?", he asked the werewolf, who just shook his head.

"Hm? Did you understand what I said? Finally, someone I can hold a conversation with! Would you kindly tell me where I am?"

"This be the river Érimosekeí.", the fisherman answered, examining the old man before him.

"...I know that. Where exactly?", he added annoyed.

"Short ways off Potami, the gateway to Sidenýchi... Say, who are you, human, to go for a swim in these treacherous waters? Do you not fear death?", the werewolf continued.

"...No?", Ignis answered.

"Oh Smaragdina¹¹, watch over this fool. Follow me, human, I will guide you to my village. The fish refused to bite today anyway.", the werewolf explained while packing his things.

"Who are you anyway? And what brought you to dive into the most dangerous of rivers?", the werewolf asked, as they moved towards Potami.

"Are you a guard?", the wizard asked, clinging to his staff in case he did not like the answer.

"Does it matter? And put that thing away! This might be a small village, but most of us are veterans of the war. We may have laid down our arms long ago, but if you try anything funny, we won't just sit idly by.", the werewolf growled his warning at the wizard, his face growing hostile.

"My apologies. It is just that I had some bad experiences in the last few days, is all. I am known as Ignis.", Ignis apologized quickly, not wanting to incite a fight before he had some rest.

"Hrm... Nkríkyr Próta Paláti.", the fisherman answered with his name, returning to his neutral expression.

"Alright, Mister... Come again?", the wizard asked unsure of the pronunciation, inciting a sigh to escape the werewolf.

"Just call me Kree, everyone does."

"Very well, Kree. Is there a way for me to hide... I mean, might there be an inn of sorts in your village for me to spend a few days?", the wizard asked, causing the werewolf to look at him with a strange expression.

"...If you got the coin, we got accommodation. 15 Kérma a night at the inn.", he replied.

"Kérma? What's that in real money?", Ignis asked confused, as he was not familiar with this currency. The werewolf furrowed his brows, his mood souring at the choice of Ignis' words.

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