Pt 1

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It was a rainy night in the Lucid Kingdom, Prince Nyon was riding his horse in search of his favorite tobacco store, called "Sigarillovy Dom", as he approached he could already smell the intoxicating smell of smoke entering his nostrils.
Meanwhile, Y/N cleaned the store counter until she looked up at the sound of the tobacconist's entrance bell, immediately drawing her attention to Prince Nyon, with his soaked blue hair, as he took off his wet coat and hung it on the rack next to the table. door, Nyon lets out a sigh as he joins her.
Nyon: "Good evening..." He says with his strong Russian accent, soon sitting on a stool in front of her. Y/n gave a gentle smile.
Y/N: "Good evening Prince Nyon!" She smiles enthusiastically, Y/N observes the streaks on her cheeks stained by the water and rests her elbows on the counter.
Y/N: "Do you want the same as always?" Her question makes Nyon smile a little
Nyon: "Am I... that predictable?..." his voice came out almost in a whisper. Y/N shrugs and straightens up, facing away from the prince.
Y/N: "Your ladyship knows that's not what I meant..." Y/N responds with a giggle. After all, even if they were acquaintances, or even a little friends, she could not disrespect him in any way. Nyon stares at his back, which was minimally exposed, and sighs when he hears his sweet voice.
Nyon: "Your... ladyship?.." He frowns slightly. "You know you can treat me like a citizen like the others, right?" Y/N turns to look at him, she puts the cigar under the counter.
Y/N: "you're not a citizen like the others... you're Prince Nyon!" The feeling of having her close was smooth, he felt free to speak and act however he wanted, her smell was so good that Nyon would never want to stop smelling it. But they were so different, they didn't know each other well. The prince is extremely shy when it comes to conversations, so these pleasant moments with her are so rare...
Nyon: "Thank you..hmm.." Sometimes, In fact almost always, The boy felt too embarrassed to continue a conversation, Every time he punished himself for it, because it seemed so easy to her to be kind and talkative with others ?, she is so sweet and innocent that she always wondered that.
Nyon doesn't know what else to say so she lights the cigar and takes a deep drag, feeling it relax her tense muscles. He blows smoke close to Y/N's face, staring at her big, round eyes and her beautiful, chubby cheeks. This should be an opportunity to get to know her better.
Nyon: "uh...Are you going to close already?" The boy tried to sound interested, but his tone came out dry and low. Y/N walked through a door and soon came back with the keys to the place and her coat.
Y/N: "Yes I will! I so want to get home and have a nice hot chocolate-" At the end of her sentence, a loud and threatening thunder could be heard, which made a wide, purple streak in the sky. The prince just added 2 + 2 to whitewing what should he do
Nyon: "Come with me..." Quick and direct, Y/N felt happy for the invitation but he also knew that he couldn't get a ride with someone so important and above her. His cheeks flushed pink against his pale white skin and a short smile formed on his lips.
Y/N: "Oh no no! You don't need to bother with that-" Nyon gets up and approaches her, The intimidated girl stares at her chest, damp from the rain.
Nyon: "It wasn't a request... I'm your prince, I just give orders..." His tone was joking, however, his face showed seriousness and a slight tone of nervousness trying to think that what he said would convince her or was it very silly.


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 05 ⏰

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