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HEADS UP! Writing normally is speaking in English-!
Then writing :like this- is Korean!

After many hours in the air I finally step off the plane with my ma behind me.

I take a deep breath of the air of South Korea- it's around 9:52 am right now making it 1:52 am in London.

..after around 30 minutes of waiting for a taxi we're on the way to are new house , which is right above the cafe-

My ma looked over to me and spoke in clear English "so.. are u exited for a new beginning..?" I felt her soft gaze at me as I slowly turned my head towards her. I let out a small .."hm" before finally speaking "I guess so but what if we run in to- well you know who..??." Instant regret.

I stared at my mum as her face dropped. "We won't. I'll make sure that- let's focus on ourselves yeah..? And maybe I can get you boxing classes again for you around here huh? How does that sound?" It's always the smile. The smile she does- she's always happy. And I don't know how. After all she's been through. After all he put us through she still smiles.

At least there's one of us who doesn't stop smiling, i hardly smile anymore- I hardly even communicate. Making friends is one of the hardest things to ever do in my life. I've never really had anyone apart from one girl. Isabelle, she was always there for me- no matter what . But now I've left her. Now she's alone. Now I'm alone- thousands of miles away from each-other.

My head turns back to the window and I just stare enjoying the view trying not to fall asleep. Jet lag is hitting badly right now..

my eyelids slowly shut and I just give and and fall asleep- well until I get tapped rapidly on the shoulder "Hm?!" Is all I manage to get out before opening my eyes quickly and sitting up

My ma is looking at me with her bright blue eyes and her pearly white teeth showing "WERE HERE ! It's so nice sweetie!!" before I could say a single word She drags me out of the car and shows me the outside of the cafe- it's a small one but it's nice.

There's two wooden tables on the outside- metal fences and a sign that has no words yet. It's a pretty nice design to. The windows are big and u can see the inside which is empty right now.

my eyes analysed the full building until I heard my mum spoke up "isn't it lovely!! And then up there is where we will sleep" my eyes dart up to the building above the cafe.

before she could say another word I went to the taxi and grabbed my suitcase and sleeping bag from the taxi and headed into the cafe.

It was dark and dusty definitely old. My head turned every direction as I looked around before heading to the little apartment upstairs.

The apartment wasn't as dusty- it was more cleaner- brighter too. The walls where whitewashed most floors had brown or grey laminate flooring, the bedrooms were the only carpeted place.

my head perks towards the two bedroom doors that are open, ready for us to enter I walk over to one bedroom that is huge- "ma can have this" whispering to myself before walking over to the  next empty room and step inside with my suitcase next to me.

As I make my way to the window I drop the sleeping bag to one side and stare out the window. It's a nice view- there are bright flowers on trees and bushes . And the green really stands out. It makes Korea look beautiful. For a matter of fact I forgot how beautiful Korea really is.

sooner or later I hear footsteps walking upstairs- not just my ma though I hear multiple footsteps.

I slowly walk to the bedroom door and peek through to have a little look who's there- it's a old woman.

My eyebrows raise slowly as I step out of the room causing my mum to look over at me

As she speaks in Korean "Ah sweetie this is byun jung-hee! She's from around here she's gonna help us out a little" she's still smiling . I don't know why she always smile

My eyes turn to byun jung-hee and I nod slighty.

The old woman looks at me and smiles "you know I have a handsome grandson who's just your age- you should meet him one day! You might like him...!"

"No thanks." I mumble before turning back to my room closing the door behind me.

I walk over to a empty corner with my sleeping bag and I begin to set it up- just until we buy a mattress- my sleeping bag is black and white and has a sunshine on the white side and a moon on the black side- it's kinda cool I like it.

THE NEXT MORNING: ~ the school..

My hair is a all over my sleeping bag as I suddenly jolt awake to my alarm blaring in my ears. Letting out a loud groan before turning over to shut it up.

I just stare at the ceiling- today is a new day. A new school where I'm gonna have it interact with other students hopefully I have better luck making friends.

After around 5 minutes of staring blankly at the roof I roll out of my sleeping bag- but instead of getting up I just lay on the floor- well until my mum runs through the bedroom "are you awake?? It's time for schoollll I have you uniform freshly washed!!" Before I could let out a single word she throws the uniform at me and leaves the bedroom

Silence again. Like usual- I sit up and grab the skirt and shirt before changing.

I did my hair into two low pigtails and grabbed my phone as a mirror- I took a video to send to Isabelle "uhh okay so this is my new uniform i don't really know how to feel about it- but it is what it is.. I miss you"  i watched the video before sending it to her.

She's probably sleeping right now- so she won't open it til later.. but it is what it is-

Finally I head downstairs into the cafe- it's clean.. like really clean

"Wow.." is all I say
"Do you like it? I've been up since 4am- cleaning the jet lag really didn't hit me at all! I'm so exited and happy!" I turn to my mum and look at her smiling a little.

Just to make her feel better.

"Alright alright! You'll have to walk to school if that's alright with you? I'll send u the location on ur phone just follow the directions and please do not get lost!" Just one of ma's daily lectures.
"Ma don't worry I will I'll be fine alright? Goodbye!"

That's the last thing I say to her before running out the house - taking my phone out of my pocket.

not even a minute later she saids me the location- I click on the link and my eyes go wide "2 HOURS? DAMNNNN" shouting in English- didn't get good looks from people me around me

I quickly grabbed my headphones from my bag and put them on listening to my sad songs for some reason there very comforting. It will make me walk faster anyways..

After one and a half hour of walking I finally make it outside of the school- staring as people enter. my eyebrows raise as I wonder to my self where the hell are all the girls..? Uh..

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