1 ~ Check In

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Chapter 1


Lucifer paced the halls, his agitation growing more prominent as he listened to the clicking of his boots, the only sound that took place in the palace.

He heard something behind him and paused. He was supposed to be alone in the palace.

Charlie was always at the hotel, and Lilith . . .


He turned, but was immediately disappointed. No, more than disappointed. Far more beyond disappointed.

“Why are you here?!” he asked, his tone dripping with annoyance.

Alastor stared down at Lucifer, unamused, but still with his everlasting smile on his face.

“Oh, hush. Charlie told me to come here,” he said as he adjusted his monocle. “It's not as if I wanted to,” he said.

Lucifer rolled his eyes. “Right, and why did Charlie tell you of all people to come here?” he asked. “And why did she need to send anyone here in the first place?” He spoke loud and clear.

Alastor scoffed, his eyebrows furrowing as his ears tilted back ever so slightly. “No need to be so loud, I can hear you just fine from down there,” he said. He huffed and decided to answer Lucifer's initial question.

“Anyhow, Charlie sent me here to check on you. She's worried about you. Why that is, I don't know,” he said. He watched as Lucifer’s annoyed expression fell, and the king looked like his heart just dropped to his feet.

Lucifer stood up straight, trying to push his reaction to Alastor's response aside and appear more stoic.

But he couldn't help but feel ecstatic at the thought that Charlie cared about him.

Yes! Yes, yes, yes! I did it! he thought. He didn't think he'd be so quick to succeed in getting closer to Charlie after all of those years of distance, but he did it.

“O— oh. Is that so . . . ?” he said quietly, trying to appear calm, but Alastor clearly saw his eyes light up as he realized he was successful in his attempts.

Ignoring Lucifer’s unnecessary excitement, Alastor nodded. “It is,” he said. “So, with that, how are you doing?” he asked, not one bit of sincerity in his tone.

“Oh, and I couldn't care less about how you're actually doing, so if you could just say you're alright I will be on my merry way,” he added.

Lucifer rolled his eyes. “I'm fine,” he said, turning away from Alastor. This egotistical maniac already pissed him off to begin with, why in hell did Charlie think it would be a good idea to send him to his home?

“Great!” Alastor said, and he was just about ready to slip through the shadows before Lucifer stopped him.

“Just— just one question, if you don't mind?” Lucifer said. Alastor rolled his eyes, but nodded for him to continue anyway. “Why didn't Charlie, y’know, come here herself?” the king asked.

Alastor sighed. “She's busy,” he said simply. “I will be leaving now.”

And just like that, Alastor's body melted into a shadow and slipped away before Lucifer could say anything.

Lucifer let out a huff, before going downstairs and into the kitchen so he could eat something, even if just something small. He never ate much anymore anyway.


Alastor appeared back in the hotel,  and was immediately ambushed by Charlie.

“Alastor! How is he? Is he okay?” she asked.

“He's fine, I can assure you,” Alastor answered, giving Charlie a few fatherly pats on the head as he walked away. “Jambalaya for supper tonight, by the way.”

He walked into the kitchen to begin preparing dinner for the other residents at the hotel.

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