VIII. Guilty

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Chapter Summary: All eyes turn to you

Pairings: Draco Malfoy x Fem!Reader (platonic)

Warnings: Cursing, magical objects, Mugglephobia, classism, charms and curses, people getting petrified, might miss some warnings

Wordcount: 2,2 k

Notes: Just get swimming... I'm thinking about making edits in tiktok, that's how far I've come with this story... Considering I very much dislike video editing

 Considering I very much dislike video editing

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It was bad

You knew because Snape had personally escorted you back to the common room after the canceled game, he looked exceptionally gloomy, extremely serious, more than normal. He didn't even have to raise his voice, he only stood there, in the middle of the common room, and it was mere seconds before everyone quieted down so he could tell you lot about what he needed to.

"Because of the recent events, the school had thought it prudent to impose strict rules, in benefit of your safety", said Professor Snape. He took a parchment with official stationary and read it outloud, "All students will return to their house common room by six o'clock every evening. All students will be escorted to each lesson by a teacher. No exceptions. Quidditch is canceled for the remaining of the school year, as other activities in big groups, and after six o'clock", he said and then he lowered the parchment

Many hands were raised, many had questions, everyone started speaking, you, mainly, and Draco, whining about Quidditch being canceled, you only got to play one game on your very first year as a chaser with your very new broom, and next year you were going to get challenged again, and you didn't think it was fair, wouldn't it be good to be in a place with a lot of people? more witnesses? they wouldn't dare attacking someone in a place filled with people, wouldn't they?

"If the attacks don't stop, you will go home, I advise you... if you know something, come forwards, to me", he said slowly

"Would they close the school?", someone asked

"Indeed", he said slowly, he then searched among the crowd, "head boy, head girl, prefects follow me", and then he dramatically turned and left, followed by the top students in your house, as it was already around 5.30, you couldn't leave the room again and you were content with finishing the day early. The common room get cleared except for your closest friends, to your surprise, even Flint stayed around

"They wouldn't close the school", muttered Matthew, and for the very first time, you thought you saw a hint of fear in those dark eyes of his, "would they?"

"No if they find the wacko who is doing this", muttered Theo

"Nobody is dead yet", Draco said like he was disappointed, "people will be un-petrified"

"Yet! you said it", mocked Flint, "it's just a matter of time"

"But this... person or thing... Why is petrifying people if the objective is to kill them?", asked Pansy, "I don't understand"

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