Chapter 1: Nice To Meet You

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Peace was restored to Ardonia, everything was finally in Peace but not everything is put to rest... Some people are continuingwhat they do best and some peopleare finding new things

After the Second Great War things were ok despite the death of Deathsinger and Tidesinger. Senn was now the new Voltaris Master, meanwhile he's in New Voltaria talking with some Voltarians while Tygren has kept quiet after Senn was Leader of the Voltaris but he has found a new way to get along

It was very early, Tygren was running because he was late for medical courses. Tygren said to himself in his mind

Tygren: ^I knew I should've gotten back home instead of talking to some Voltarians^

Tygren was so fraustrated he bumped into Senn walking peacefully but Tygren didn't knew it was Senn

Tygren: ^S***!^ I'm very sorry but-

Tygren standed up but then he was surprised to see Senn

Tygren: ...

Senn responds to him but he didn't know it was Tygren

Senn: It's fine

Senn stands up then he was surprised to see Tygren again

Senn: Oh, fancy meeting you like this Tygren

Tygren didn't respond until he realized he was late for his courses then runs

Senn: O-oh ok, nice meeting you

For a second Senn saw one of Tygren's papers on the ground

Senn: This is new

Senn reads the paper

Senn: "4 Herbs That can Be for ointment and Medicine"

Meanwhile Tygren was able to arrive (  he was only 5 minutes late :/  )

Zubeia (Mendoris) : Tygren Voltaris

Zubeia chuckles

Zubeia (Mendoris) : This is the first you've been late to one of my courses

Tygren responds in a bit nervous way

Tygren: I know Zubeia, I went home late yesterday

Zubeia (Mendoris) : It's fine Tygren

Tygren sits with the rest of the Ardoni then their courses begin

Tygren was paying attention to Zubeia's courses then he hears someone calling him

Tygren: Hm?

He turns his head to the sound

???: Are you that Ardoni who was late?

Tygren responds to the female Voltaris

Tygren: Uhm, yes

The female responds to him

Gamora: I'm Gamora

Gamora takes out her hand then Tygren shakes her hand

Tygren: Nice to meet you Gamora, I'm Tygren Voltaris

Their courses continue for few hours until their courses were done and everyone went home except for Tygren and Gamora

Gamora: Hey Tygren, Wait!

Tygren ear flicked to her voice

Tygren: ?

Gamora was running towards Tygren

Gamora: Hey Tygren, I was wondering if maybe we could go to your home and talk to eachother and get to know eachother

Tygren responds

Tygren: Well, sure, I guess so

Gamora responds excitedly

Gamora: Great

DONE😩 My hand hurts TwT but thanks for reading, I'll continue part 2 tomorrow maybe? Idk it depends if I'm not lazy😅 but thanks for reading have a nice day👋

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