Chapter 4: Taking Care of You

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Thay get inside of Thalleous' home then they talk about a few things

Ria: So Thalleous, I thought you said you're travelling

Thalleous replied

Thalleous: I'am, just recovering from some injuries

Tygren spoke

Tygren: What kinds of injuries?

Thalleous answered Tygren's question

Thalleous: Oh, just some bruises from fighting thiefs

Tygren was concerned about Thalleous. After a few hours later, Senn and Ria had to leave for some reports in K'arthen

Thalleous: So Tygren, what have you been doing over the past few months?

Tygren answers

Tygren: I've been doing medical courses

Thalleous replies

Thalleous: Medical courses?

Tygren confirmed

Thalleous: Is there any way you could help me with my injuries?

Tygren eyes widen in surprise

Tygren: W-what?

Thalleous repeated

Thalleous: Help me with my injuries, one of my injuries keep hurting

Tygren agreed to help then Thalleous sat down, Thalleous show his scratch on his leg with a bandage wrapped on but when he took it off, it was still fresh and Tygren was shocked to see it

Tygren: Where in Ardonia did you get this from?

Thalleous answered sheepishly

Thalleous: Well.. I got it from a wolf while riding Timber

Tygren lets out a sigh

Tygren: Next time, try to be careful, wolves can be vicious these days

Thalleous takes out some medical herbs and a water bottle in his bag

Tygren: Do you have a mortar and pestel

Thalleous answered

Thalleous: Yes, it's on the table

Tygren gets the mortar and pestel then he starts to crush the medical herbs with the clean water

A few minutes later Tygren was done and so he started to put the ointment on Thalleous' scratch, after, he bandaged him

Tygren: There, your scratch should feel better after 3-6 days, I suggest you rest

Thalleous responded

Thalleous: Right

Tygren puts the ointment on the table

Tygren: Well, I should get going, take care of that scratch of yours

Tygren was about to leave but Thalleous called out to him

Thalleous: Wait

Tygren responded

Tygren: Hm?

Thalleous favored

Thalleous: Can you stay with me until this scratch starts to feel better? I get lonely

Tygren considered

Tygren: Uhm, sure, I'll stay

Tygren stayed with Thalleous. At the 3rd day, it was night and Thalleous was getting a bit bored so he thought of going outside with his sword and with Timber but Tygren wouldn't allow it because he needed to rest for his scratch to feel better, so Tygren hid Thalleous' sword while Thalleous was sitting

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